Looking for one on one online class on Swift 3 development

By robin24, 27 January, 2017

App Development and Programming

Hello all,

for quite some time now, I've been trying to get into Swift development for macOS and iOS.
Unfortunately, however, my journey has been quite unsatisfying to this point. While I'm currently familiar with most parts of the Swift programming language so far, I'm still at the very beginning when it comes to Apple's frameworks, such as Cocoa and Cocoa Touch.
The documentation Apple provides is certainly great, although it can be a bit exhaustive sometimes for the specific case, also there are no exercises or a guided learning path to my knowledge.
Also, as many of you will know certain things are done a bit differently in Xcode when using VoiceOver, such as relying on constraints for designing a user interface or using the Connection Inspecter for creating outlets.
While I am mostly familiar with how these things work, there may still be accessibility-related issues that I might run into, for which it may be necessary for me to talk to someone with more Xcode experience.
So I was thinking that maybe finding someone who can teach me more about app development on a one on one basis would be the most ideal solution, making it possible for me to gain more experience and ask questions when necessary.
Naturally, I would be more than happy to pay for such a service.
So, I was wondering if anybody on here could recommend an institution or single individual who is offering personalized, online Swift classes? My research so far has only revealed on-demand classes which are video based, which probably won't be a great solution.
So, if anybody could recommend a good option, or maybe share their best learning method concerning Swift and Apple's frameworks, I would greatly appreciate that!

All the best,



By Nick B on Monday, February 20, 2017 - 18:40

Hey Robin,

I'm a mobile developer, 8 years experience lots of Swift 3 on iOS, some OS X. I also happen to be legally blind. I may be willing to do some one-on-one work, but curious to know more about your personal situation and what you've tried. Let's chat, hit me via e-mail at nbonatsakis@gmail.com


By robin24 on Monday, February 20, 2017 - 18:40

In reply to by Nick B

Hello Nick,

thank you so much for reaching out, greatly appreciated!
I've just sent you an Email with some more background info...
Hope to hear from you soon! :-)

By Imaginingstuff on Monday, February 20, 2017 - 18:40

I would also be interested in learning swift. I have done MUX code for TinyMux and love it. I would love to learn how to code on IOS. Creating games is one of my all time favorite things to do. I've been out of the game making business, as they say for a while, but have recently restored a couple of my old games and am building another, all TinyMux, though I do have one on Coffeemud, I'm trying to get off the ground.

If you consider getting a class together, I'd gladly sign on!
I know someone else who would to.
Creativity and peace,

By Michael Doise on Monday, March 20, 2017 - 18:40

Hi all,

I also have been developing for iOS and other platforms for 5 years and have been working on classes to teach people to code in Swift, and would love to chat with anyone interested in becoming developers for Mac and iOS. if anyone wants to talk about this kind of stuff then email me your info at mikedoise@icloud.com