Our new game Super Tile Smash

By John from Wood…, 25 January, 2017

iOS and iPadOS Gaming

We have just launched our first Accessible IOS game.
It is a sound rich puzzle game that has many tile sets and sound theme which
makes it playable by anyone with any level of eyesight.


This is our first game and as such all feedback is very welcome.
for all news and updates see our Twitter feed



By Toonhead on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 05:04

Ok, I am also one who doesn't understand the cue feature. what is it, and how can we use it? everyone keeps mentioning it but no one will explain how it works? So, help us out here? Thanks!

By Sabrina on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 05:04

The queue feature is the bottom row, where you see tile (x) in cue. These are the tiles that will replace smashed tiles. The queue is really useful in higher levels to see wich tile to destroy. I use it after level 20. You cannot double tap them, you cannot do anything with them, but they can be really helpful. I have discovered that you can get back to the main menu by double-tapping the cue or the level indicators. I still play this game a lot and long to get the new update. I look forward to it. Once I get wifi I can get it. I am glad this game doesn't need wifi so I cn play it. I like those games. It is definittely worth two dollars. I would have payed more for it actually because it is a really awesome game. I bought it on my gift card.

By John from Wood… on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 05:04

Hello and many thanks to Sabrina for the Queue description.

The queue is displayed on the bottom of the screen between
the level and score.
It shows the next five tiles that will be played when you destroy tiles.
This allows the player to plan their next move.
You can tap on any item in the bottom row to access the menu screen.

I hope this helps.

By Ornella on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 05:04

How many levels are in this game? I'm not sure if I red on there that someone said that they played up to level 30 and I finished level 24 and the game was over and started back to level 1.

By John from Wood… on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 05:04

As for the new version I think I am going to run into some problems due to version numbers
but we will see what happens.

As for the levels the game will keep playing until you cannot destroy any tiles.

By Ornella on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 05:04

Well I guess I destroyed everything because I finished level 24 and the game was over and went back to level 1.

By David Standen on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 05:04

I love the new update. I played the dual game mode and bombed out <lol> I haven't completed a normal game yet but I'm up to level 70. I noticed in dual game mode that the score was displayed in point value. Would it be possible to indicate our score this way in the other game modes as well? Alternatively, you could include this as an option: either have the game announce our scores using the current option or to have our score announced as the total number of points scored across all levels. I hope this makes sense.

By John from Wood… on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 05:04

This is what is new in version 1.1.0

Improved end of game experience.
Fixed Highest Level bug.
Added Share to Social Media function.
The share to social media function is working but for the following caviats.
Facebook does not get the text that is supplied to other share locations.

The idea of having scores as cumulative ratherthan levels completed is a good one and will be used where it fits.
At the moment the game types are completed by destroying a fixed number of tiles and as such the score will only vary
by level * tiles+ tiles in last level

As always thanks for the support.

By TamagotchiTune on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 05:04

Can't wait for the new version so I can share. I'm on level 92 and still going.

By Sabrina on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 05:04

I actually miss the explotion sounds in the standard sounds but I still love this game. I compete with my friend and have beaten her twice now. She made it to level 23 and I made it to level 50. I love the random sounds on the standard theme. I played in the middle of the night and couldn't put my phone down until I lost. I haven't tried all the sound themes but will do that in succession. I still prefer standard with nature tiles. I like the way the game gets harder and harder the higher levels you progress.

By Sabrina on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 05:04

I can barely wait for the new update. This has become my favourite game. I look forward to try easy mode.

By Jesse Anderson on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 05:04

I have been playing this game frequently over the past couple of weeks and really like it. It's one of my go-to puzzle games now, in addition to Threes!

I have mostly been playing Normal mode, and have noticed something in the past couple of updates. In the first couple versions, I could pretty regularly get to around level 20 to 25. Since the past couple of updates though, things seem much easier, and I quit playing around level 90. I like getting a lot further, but it almost seems there aren't as many regular tiles, and there's always some kind of special tyle to clear or reset the board at any given time, like a star, or other power-up. I think this could be balanced a little better, where you still can get lucky and get power-ups, but you have to play more with standard tiles.

I forget, is there a mode that plays like Normal, but where the board doesn't reset inbetween levels? I'd like to try a mode where you have to play with the same board until you can't make any more moves, and it doesn't reset after each level.

Also, could the 2 bottom corner buttons work a little differently?

Maybe tapping the Level button in the lower left could bring you to the main menu as usual.
The bottom right button though, could announce how many tiles you have left when tapped (double tapped with VoiceOver). It's nice to have the percentage when touching the button once, but knowing how many actual tiles left could really help when you need that last combo to get to the next level and board reset.

By TamagotchiTune on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 05:04

Hi. I like the normal mode the way it is. I got to level 108 and it wasn't easy at all lol. Still fun but as you get higher there is more blocks that get in the way. I should have used a random and I probably would have got to level 109.

I am on 151 of blindfold color crush, but I can only get to 23 or 24 of this game. I don't understand how you can get that high? Thats great.

By TamagotchiTune on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 05:04

Getting to that level wasn't easy lol. Takes time.

By John from Wood… on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 05:04

Once again thanks for all the feedback.

The balance of the normal game is one i have been trying to get right
since version 0.0

The current version stops the issue of too many special tiles on the grid at
any one time.

I understand that some people like to keep on playing but due to the limited tile
types the ability to make the game harder is not possible.

I like the idea of making the bottom right button switch between percentage and
tiles left and will add it to the to do list.

Also i will come up with a another game mode to allow almost continuous play.
One thought is to allow long press of a tile to explode it this will cost some points
which are gained by destroying tiles.

Many Thanks

By John from Wood… on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 05:04

These are the new features in version 1.2.0

Added new game type Onwards
2 new tile types special and block smasher added
Fixed invisible text in menu.
In normal game type it is now possible to toggle between percentage
and tiles left by tapping the bottom right button.

I hope you enjoy the updae to the game when it becomes available on the app store.

By Sabrina on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 05:04

I love the new game mode. I have an idea regarding the blocks. What if blocks can ONLY be destroyed by being at the bottom on the screen or being destroyed by the block smasher? Just an idea. Trying to help.

By John from Wood… on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 05:04

Hello Sabrina
Thank you for the idea the new game type only allows blocks to be destroyed
by special tiles.
In normal game type blocks are destroyed by getting to the bottom and
by special tiles.
It is all about balance and offering a different variation of the game.

Thank you for your support.

By Michela Botti on Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - 05:04

I updated the game to the latest version. While playing level 48, I received a message saying that I had no more moves, so I lost.
The problem is that I didn't have a way to get out of that screen, no back button or scrubbing gesture. I closed the app from the app switcher.
When opening the app again, I expected the game to start from level 1. Instead I found the level 48 screen and I was able to keep on playing normally. I reached level 53 and then experienced the same begavior. I'm playing in normal mode.

Thanks for any feedback about that, and thanks for this addictive game that I really like!

By John from Wood… on Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - 05:04

In reply to by Michela Botti

Apologies for the late response I have been on holiday.
I will fix and post a update as soon as i can.
I am glad you like the game and thank you for playing it.

By Michela Botti on Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - 05:04

In reply to by John from Wood…

Hello, thanks for your answer, and I hope you enjoyed your holiday! I tried the latest game version and it seems to me that balancing in normal game type has significantly been improved. However, the lost game bug seems to be still there. Thanks for your support,
Cheers, Michela

Hello Michela
Could you tell me what steps you go through to reproduce the game bug?
and I will fix it.

By Michela Botti on Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - 05:04

In reply to by John from Wood…

Hi, maybe the bug is not easy to reproduce: while playing in normal game type, at level 18, I had all normal tiles on the grid except a "special smasher" if I remember correctly. At this point I got the "You lost, no more moves" message with no buttons to go back. The other strange thing is that, if I close the app from the app switcher, then reopening the app brings me to the level 18 screen and I can keep playing normally. Thanks for support, cheers, Michela

By J.R. on Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - 05:04

All you need to do is doubletap in the text that says you lost. There's no bug, thats how it is designed. If you don't doubletap on the social media buttons and just doubletap on the text, it'll end your game. Is it not working that way for you? I'm having fun with this new game one life per 100 points mode.

By David Standen on Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - 05:04

I love Onwards Mode too. Thanks heaps for implementing my suggestion from a few weeks ago. I've destroyed just over 1000 tiles and am still going.

By John from Wood… on Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - 05:04

Hello to One and All
I am glad you found the tap on the lost game text works for you, if this is not the case then
please tell me.
I am glad that the onwards game mode seems to be ok too.

Once again many thanks for all the feedback.

By John from Wood… on Thursday, May 11, 2017 - 05:04

Hello to one and all

I have just posted a version to the app store so it should be available
in the next few days.

It has the folowing new stuff
A Chess theme
and some internal improvements.

John from Woodside Apps.

By Sabrina on Thursday, May 11, 2017 - 05:04

I look forward to the new theme.

By John from Wood… on Sunday, June 11, 2017 - 05:04

Hello All and thank you to Jessica
The new version 1.3.5 has just been posted to the app store.
It has the following
Confirmations for start new game and reset high scores.

It should be available in the next few days.

By Rafal on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 05:04

Hello John,
Thank you for all your efforts to make your games accessible. I've also purchased tile smash and I find it interesting. Even my 3-year old son plays it quite wel. I have a suggestion for VoiceOver users:
Since sighted people see where to hit in order to smash the tiles, I recomend doing something for the blind e.g. make not active cells grayed or moved off the board. I guess this would help much as now I hit wrong cells. Anyway, thank you very much once again for your efforts. Greetings from Poland!

By John from Wood… on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 05:04

In reply to by Rafal

When you are playing the normal game type
and have easy mode turned on.

The numbers that are read out after the type of cell are
the coordinates and then if available the number of cells this will smash.
for example
red 1,2,3
is a red square at coordinates 1,2 and 3 cells will be smashed when the cell is played.

Hope this helps
and thanks for plain the games.

By KE7ZUM on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 05:04

Hey there. I just got this game for android. I loved the ios version and it's too bad I didn't get around to doing a podcast on the app. Oh ell. Sorry about that. I've just completed the one for android, and let me say it was fun to do. I think I was having more fun playing than podcasting today. Lol! Anyway it will be up at http://tffppodcast.com/listen and http://feeds.feedburner.com/tffp probably sometime today.

Take care all.

By Rafal on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 05:04

Hi John, Thank you for your reply. I've tried with easy mode on and I find it nice. I also suggest setting the easy mode on regardless if the app is re-opened. Now, as I know, I have to turn this mode on each time I open the app. Cheers, Rafal

I will fix the bug with not saving the easy mode status next week.

Thank you

By KE7ZUM on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 05:04

Nice. I just did a podcast on the app for android, but I actually need to redo it. I love the sounds once again.. I have forgotten how much fun that game is. And the sounds when yu go from level to level? That's so so much fun. The queue can also help plan your moves if you know how to use it properly, or even can. Love the block as well. What a challenge especially if I get two of them next to each other. I got that in level I think it was 12 yesterday

By JeffB on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 05:04

This is a great game! It be cool if it had music you could toggle on or off. Just a thought thanks for the fun game!

By TJT 2001 on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 05:04

In the Breakdown game type, there appear to be layouts that appear from time to time that are impossible to solve, such as the following one.

Left to right, top to bottom:
orange, red, red, red
grey, green, blue, red
grey, red, green, grey
green, grey, orange, red
grey, green, orange, light blue

By Karok on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 05:04

hi, can i hear a podcast on version 2, for ios anywhere? want learn propperly how play this as at the moment just seems like random luck. Will

By John from Wood… on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 05:04

In reply to by TJT 2001

I will look into this problem.
I am assuming you have tried to play cells that are diagonal from each other.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

By John from Wood… on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 05:04

In reply to by Karok

I am not sure if someone did a podcast on Apple Vis for Super Tile Smash.

I know there is one on Youtube by BGFh who has just done one
on Wordfinder game by us.

I will look into this.
If you are still having problems i will get a link for the video on youtube for you.

By John from Wood… on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 05:04

In reply to by JeffB

Thanks for the feedback.
I generally do not put music in as it gets in the way of Voiceover.
I will also look into this next week.

I am glad you like the game.
Thanks for the great feedback.

By TJT 2001 on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 05:04

John, the problem isn't with the way I'm playing the game; the problem is that, in the layout I wrote above, there is only one blue and only one light blue tile. It is impossible to remove such tiles when there is no other tile of the same color.

Other times, I have gotten layouts where there might be a rocket or a side-winder, but I can't use them to remove the single tile because of their positions.

Could you use artificial intelligence to solve the level before presenting it to the user to verify that there is actually a way to solve it?

By JeffB on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 05:04

I can see that but Accessible Letter Soup for example had music and you could turn it on or off and it was also quieter than Voiceover. Also you can use Audio Ducking if you want music it could even be set to off by default. Just an idea a lot of accessible IOS games have music and it works Crafting Kingdom and Time Quest are other examples. If you don't want your games to have music that's fine but Voiceover shouldn't stop you if you want to.

By KE7ZUM on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 05:04

Podcast is up. For those interested go to http://feeds.feedburner.com/tffp Like I said, the podcast is long over due. I really had fun with this game and I look forward to having more fun. I hope I don't get so side tracked I forget to work. Lol!

By Muhammad Saidinas on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 05:04

hi guys, is there any free version of the app? really want to play the game again,
was playing it on my android and I having fun with it, great and adicting :D
I know the game is really worth to purchase, but the problem is, well, I can't :D, I don't even have a bank account currenly, and my perrent never ever allow me to buy something that related to games :(
and lastly, thanks to the developer for being so patient with us blindies :D