On Screen Keyboard Vs. Wireless Keyboard

By Pete De Vasto, 7 March, 2017

iOS and iPadOS


I have an iPhone 5S and an Apple Wireless keyboard running the latest iOS software. When I'm at home, I use the wireless keyboard to enter most things like text messages and search terms. When I go out, even though I'm completely away from the keyboard, my phone thinks it is still there, so the on screen keyboard won't come up to let me type. I did discover that one way I can get the on screen keyboard to come up is to turn the wireless keyboard off before I leave. However, sometimes I forget to do that and so am stuck. Do any of you know how I can get my on screen keyboard to come up while out and about if I forget to turn the wireless keyboard off? Powering the phone off and on doesn't help, turning Bluetooth on or off doesn't seem to help either, nor does stopping and restarting VoiceOver.

thanks for any help!
Pete De Vasto



By JeffB on Sunday, March 26, 2017 - 16:27

Did you try turning off bluetooth? That should fix that issue.

By Brian Tew on Sunday, March 26, 2017 - 16:27

When I do that the keyboard comes up. That's what it is supposed to do.
But then I was supposed to be rich and good looking.

I may have figured out what was wrong. I got a sighted person to try tapping in the message typing area with VO turned off, which had gotten me a keyboard once before, but this time the word "paste" showed up. Turns out I had inadvertently copied a big block of text to the clipboard quite a while ago, but never did anything about it. So it just sat there, and sat there, and sat there. Once I pasted that stuff into the message area and deleted it, things did seem to work a little better. We'll see what happens next time I'm out and about and need that onscreen keyboard.