Hi All. I'm having some trouble installing Google Drive on my MacBook Pro running Mac OS 10.12.3
I have gone to Google and downloaded the file. I have a file in my Downloads folder called "InstallGoogleDrive.DMG". Normally you would open the DMG folder and find the app, which you can then move to the Applications folder. However in this case that's not working. Nothing happens when I VO+Space on the DMG, and even opening the context menu doesn't give me an Open option.
Any thoughts?
By Dave Nason, 27 February, 2017

macOS and Mac Apps
Try command-o?
Something you might try is using command-o to open the installer instead of VO-space. I have found that to be much more reliable. HTH!
Installing Drive
Press Command O on the file and wait for the disk image to be mounted to the Finder. Once the window containing the files appears, find the google drive.app file and copy it to your Application folder. From that point, you just open it and go through the Google Drive setup wizard where you enter your Google information. If you can't access the setup window, use the Window Chooser in the Finder. When that's all done, you'll find the Google Drive icon in your status menus. If you select it with the VoiceOver cursor, you will enter a menu that shows the current sync status. Finally, you can access the Google Drive folder from your home folder and copy files to it in order to sync them. If you have anymore problems, let me know and I will do my best to resolve them.
Thanks to both. Command O did indeed work. Not sure why I didn't think of that, forget about it sometimes!
I actually train my users to
I actually train my users to use command down as that makes more sence logically. You want to look at the file so you look down, Ok, my brain is odd but that's the way I remember the key stroke.