How do you transfer music from a PC to an iPhone using iTunes?

By Melanie Leamy, 19 February, 2017


Hi everyone. I have just joined Applevis and have immediately a question for you all. I would like to copy some music tracks from my PC to the Iphone 6. I am really having trouble using Itunes. Could someone describe how to do this? So what I do is: I go to Itunes, go to add to library, select the songs I want to copy and press enter, then I navigate in Itunes to the iphone and there to music and check the box for sync selected files or whatever it is called. Itune gives a little sound as confirmation. However, when I then open the music app on my Iphone it says 0 songs added. What can be the problem? And is there perhaps an easier way for us to add music or to push things from one device to another? I am finding Itunes really not very accessible. Thank you in advance for your help. Best wishes. Mel.



By Kent on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 07:48

This is how I do it. Open the music folder on your PC. Locate the songs you want in your ITunes library. Copy them and then navigate back to the root level of your music folder. ITunes should be in that list. Open ITunes and navigate to the Media folder. Open it and navigate to the Music folder. Open it and paste the songs into it. Open the music app on your phone and see if the songs are there. If they are not, you will have to plug your phone into the PC and sync the songs to your phone. To do this open the file menu on your PC and navigate to the device submenu. Locate the sync option and activate it. I hope this works for you. If it doesn't, call Apple accessibility @ 877-204-3930 and ask them to help you.

By Melanie Leamy on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 07:48

Thank you for your reply. Shortly after I had posted this here, I actually managed to do it. I located the songs on my PC and then went to Itunes and into the library menu where I clicked on "ad songs" and a menu opened into which I had to write the name of the folder my songs were stored in on the PC. And then I had to select the iphone and there music and insert the files and then click syncronise. It is not easy but okay once you know it. Thanks again.

By Elijah76 on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 07:48

On your pc
1 hit the windows key to open the search field

2 type services

3then press tab

4 then look for seervices local.

5 then arrow down till you find apple mobile device service.

5 ensure the apple mobile device is turned on

Finally repeat the processs of adding music to your iphone and hopefully it will work,
