How do you delete messages in the native Messages app?

By Doug Coyle, 31 December, 2016

iOS and iPadOS

I am new to the iphone and I can't figure out how to delete text messages in the messages app. It's getting to where I have somany of them I can't find any of them. Aid, please.

Doug Coyle



By Siobhan on Friday, January 20, 2017 - 19:03

Hi. You have two options. Since you have so many, you can click on "Edit." Then from there, you'll double tap on the messages you want to delete, and at the top right hand corner you'll find delete. Second option is faster. You go into the native messages. Not into a conversation but where you have "compose," and the search field. Once there, flick to the message you don't want, and slide your finger either up or down. You should hear "delete", and "More". If you don't your roter is set on something like characters or words. Takes two fingers, put them on the phone like you want to turn up an old tv dial. Turn whatever way is best, and you'll heare "actions." This is what you want to be on if you want to delete something. Hope that helps. If you need more help, contact me and I can help.

By peter on Friday, January 20, 2017 - 19:03

There are also settings for how long messages will be saved before they are automatically deleted.

These are found under the Settings app in the Settings / Messages dialog.

Note: The default for saving photos is very short (only several minutes I think). So if there is a chance that you want to forward, save, or share such photos later on you might want to change this setting.
