burning apple music songs on to disk

By cjackson, 20 July, 2015

iOS and iPadOS

Hello: can anyone tell me if you can burn songs you get from apple music on to disk? If so what do I need to do to accomplish this?



By AppleVis on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 - 07:45

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Even if it were possible, this would not be legal under Apple’s terms of use for Apple Music.

Essentially, you are only borrowing music from Apple whilst you are a subscriber to the service. Once that subscription ends, the DRM protection embedded into the music files will cause them to be removed instantly from your music library. For obvious reasons, Apple would not want or allow people to circumvent this by making local backups of the music in an unprotected form.

By jack on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 - 07:45

Well, common sense says you wouldn't be able to burn subscription based music over to disk, because it's tied to a subscription. However, although I haven't gotten Apple Music yet, Ican assume Apple is still using Fair Play drm which is exactly the same as the old drm they used pre2009. That allowed you to burn an album or track to disk as many times as you want as long as it was for personal use. Personally, though, I wish Apple Music has the same thing as, while I understand the need for strong drm because of it being a subscription, Apple Music was designed with portability in mind, since it's coming to android! which is a first for Apple they are definitely trying to target a larger wide-ranged audience running on different players, I think they should add a higher-priced subscription option that allows you to play downloaded tracks on portable devices. The way Napster used to do it, if you paid 5 dollars on top of your monthly subscription, you were able to play your downloads on your portable devices. I'd say #11.99 for individual and #17.99 for family would be a fair price for this subscription if they were to do it like this, but since the Apple Music free trial and era has just begun, and bugs are still being squashed, we can have a little bit of sway here we can tweet @cue and ask him if this could in deed be a subscription option/feature in the free trial for the future. Or, similar to the way Audible's drm works, there could be a way to authorize portable players to play the tracks during subscription via embedding a system license file into the player in question.

You are right on one end, you can play it on some! portable devices, iphone, ipod, ipad, and soon android. However, since Apple Music is targeted at the masses obviously and it is designed with music anywhere in mind, not everyone has those devices. Some people have just a computer and wouldn't it be a pain to, say, connect that to a car dock to listen to your apple music? Not to mention for people with desktops portability is near impossible. People who have just maybe a computer and an mp3 player like the vr stream like me or the scandisk sonsa clip plus or tinytunes wouldn't be able to play our music even if we kept our subscription going for every month. Even with Napster's standard subscription you could authorize any portable devices that had the "microsoft plays for sure" logo to play your subscription music and yes they would expire properly no need to worry about people getting like a hundred songs but never updating their subscription. These tracks were in drm rapped wma. Sadly, not many players carried the "Microsoft Plays for Sure" logo, even Microsoft's own! Zoon player didn't carry the logo which totally made no sense. I was thinking, if Napster could pull it off, Apple might've been able to pull it off too.

By Usman on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 - 07:45

I'm not sure why this topic is even allowed to continue on as the apple vis team has clearly stated that this is against apple music's terms of use policy.

I say the only good reason this topic should be allowed to continue is that, in fact, yes it is against the terms of service to copy apple music tracks to cd, but that doesn't mean we can still request that as a feature with an added price on top of the subscription or something like that. I've tweeted @cue about it as an article recommended to. Could at least be a way to authorize portable players or their sd cards to play tracks as long as they can make the subscription properly expire on those players in question, like Napster supposedly did, there would be no need to copy Apple Music tracks to cd either way. Even ipod nanos which maybe some people still have, can't play Apple Music tracks, I don't believe they can. That's not surprising to me as support for that has to be dying out I'm sure. The point I'm getting that is that, apart from android, playing Apple Music on portable devices ties you to the close-to-latest Apple hardware, and some people either can't afford to buy an iphone or ipad, or just don't want to. Audible was able to make drm protection that worked on a wide range of players so long as they were authorized, maybe Apple could too. I know, audible and Apple Music are two different things, but Audible too is a subscription service utalizing drm protection. Even if you gave someone the sd card of your player that is authorized and they popped it into another player it would not let you play it so it would be a no go. Maybe not direct player authorization as that is audible's own mechanism, but maybe embedding that same mechanism into the filesystem of a removable drive would do the job. I think it would be better for us to do legal and ethically speaking to shift the topic over to trying to find ideas of ways to play on portable devices, while keeping the protection mechanism intact. We don't want yet another pre2008 drm versus drm-stripping program duel again.

By AnonyMouse on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 - 07:45

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

You can quite easily take the music you want and burn them to a CD if you want. Just purchase the songs or albums of choice that you want. While Apple Music subscribtion will allow you to listen whatever you want at any time. They do give you the option to purchase those songs and albums quite easily. Which is the majority of what many other services offer today. Spotify, Amazon, Google Play, and many others. So this is the new norm and it make a lot of sense. Otherwise piracy would be quite rampand. Artist would make nothing if company would offer you to simply to take music you subscribed to a CD. If Apple Music subscription is not for you in the way you want. You can always not pay for Apple Music subscription and use the FREE Radio Station options. Find the songs you want and then purchase them invidually so you can do the things you want with that song. At this point you can simply put them on other devices and media player of your choice. As we all may or not know but Napster back in the day was purely illegal and was a pirate heavan. Now Napsster is simply known as Rhapsody. Rhapsody like many others do not offer the service you mention any more.

Yeah, figured that's why Napster themselves closed their doors in 2010. Low-effort quite easily workaroundable drm, all, and I mean all! songs were $0.99 to either burn it to a cd or download a never-expiring version of that song, and usually all other stores have to have the variable pricing to not get on recordlabels' bad sides not to mention stay drm free for purchased music. Plus, Napster wasn't even talked about in the music world much. Knew it was some sort of piratebay like site that made a subscription to make it look legit. Plus their substore freenapster seemed like something that would easily get under recordlabels' skin the moment it was announced. You could literally listen to any song you wanted in it's entirety at anytime for a max of three times per song before either buying the song or subscribing to Napster. But no need for that anymore we have googleplay music all access, Apple Music, beats1, rdio.com somewhat more usable than spotify, and others to stream music legally. Plus, remember that if burning Apple Music songs to cd even if it was possible, which it seems to not be and rightfully so, will produce lossy mp3's if you choose to rip the cd's them depending on what encoder you use. For all intents and purposes, until a higher-priced authorize your non-Apple portable devices subscription is made Apple Music is a streaming/downloading service to play on Apple devices and soon Android as well. Plus it makes perfect sense. After all, you only have those songs as long as your subscription stays intact, unless you buy the song/album of course. Speaking of drm, and if you use the itunes cloud library/itunes match along with Apple Music make sure to upgrade to itunes 12.2.1 and redownload your purchased songs that may have gotten accidentally converted to Apple Music drm protected files even though they weren't subscription tracks.

By Ostalstew on Wednesday, January 11, 2017 - 07:45

I also cannot burn music to a CD. I had listened to the album on Apple Music. I decided I wanted to burn a disc so I bought the album. No matter what I try, it keeps telling me that the songs are Apple Music after I have bought the album. Please help.

By dvdmth on Wednesday, January 11, 2017 - 07:45

If iTunes is telling you the tracks are Apple Music and therefore cannot be burned to disc, then it's probably because you still have the protected versions of the tracks on your hard drive, instead of the in-the-clear purchased versions. So, select the tracks in question, remove the downloads, then download the tracks again. They should now be purchased tracks instead of Apple Music tracks, and they should burn fine.

You can verify the status of each track by getting info, then looking at the file tab. If the file kind is Apple Music, then it is the protected version, but if it says Purchased, then you're good to go.