Using focus 14 blue with iOS

By Sabrina, 23 November, 2016

Braille on Apple Products

Hello' I have had a focus 14 blue braille display for quite some time and havent been able to learn how to use it because I somehow accidentally locked the keyboard and didnt know how to fix that' Now it is fixed and I am beginning to learn how it works' I would like some advice and some keystrokes to be able to learn how to use it' It is a really good braille display in my opinion but I need advice'
Thanks for any help' //Sabrina
Ps for some reason I cannot seem to switch keyboard languages wich is why my typing is sloppy'



By Usman on Tuesday, November 22, 2016 - 11:05

Freedom Scientific has great resources with respect to working with the focus line of displays. Also, you could look in the box that your display came in. When I got my focus 40, there was a CD that had manuals for using the display with the computer as well as IOS.