Given up on Windows iTunes

By John Gurd, 21 November, 2016


I've been using iTunes on Windows for music for years and have been a user of the Apple Music service since it launched in the UK. Sadly, because of the accessibility issues on iTunes for Windows I've cancelled my Apple Music subscription. It's a great service on the iPhone but I like to listen sometimes at my PC. I've written to Apple Access regarding the issues with iTunes as I know many have but it looks like Apple don't intend to do anything about it.

So I've signed up for the new Amazon Music unlimited trial and although the app doesn't have the same refinements as yet for discovering new music the sound quality is noticeably better and it's certainly more accessible on the PC. The Amazon Music app for IOS has been redesigned and although it's very different from the Apple Music app it is very accessible. Anyway, I'm wondering if it is possible to put the Amazon Music app into the iPhone Dock instead of the stock Music app?



By Piotr Machacz on Friday, November 18, 2016 - 22:58

Yes. You just have to first drag the stock music app out of the dock (double-tap and hold on the icon, then just slide your finger upwards out of the dock), then drag the amazon app in the same way except sliding it to the bottom. VoiceOver will give you feedback on where the app is as you move it.

By OldBear on Friday, November 18, 2016 - 22:58

Yes, you can move the music app off the iPhone doc and put Amazon Music there.
Edit: Oops, beat me to it.

By ryan97 on Sunday, December 18, 2016 - 22:58

subject says it all, lol because I'm changing computers soon, would love to have an accessible version so I can actually sync stuff to my phone
any info at all would be greatly appreciated