Is it possible to run from a sound bar?

By Siobhan, 7 November, 2016

tvOS and Apple TV Apps

Hi all. Long story short, my tv has moved from my room to my family member's. I'll probably get a tv eventually, I need to finish paying off some necessities like my bedroom set first. anyway is it posible to run an Apple tv fourth gen from a sound bar? I'm curious to see if I can find a good one. Also if anyone has used a sound bar, if there's any access tips or issues please let me know. Thanks for any responses. Btw, I'm not planning on doing this I don't think, as i still have a cable box, I'm merely curious



By thunderhorse82 on Wednesday, November 23, 2016 - 03:06

Yes absolutely it is, just be sure the sound bar you purchase has a HDMI port and you are all set to go.

By Siobhan on Wednesday, November 23, 2016 - 03:06

How are you doing? Thanks for the quick response, I usually get nothing when I come in here. :) Miss being on your shelf lmao