Ariadne GPS and Sindero Lookaround

By Louis, 5 July, 2012

iOS and iPadOS
hello, What are the differences between Sindero's Lookaround and Ariadne GPS? I can't tell by the descriptions of the respective products. Is it worth it to have both or would I be served with just one. Thank you for your help.



By MarkSarch on Sunday, July 22, 2012 - 19:29

The differences between Sindero's Lookaround and Ariadne GPS are the fallowing: Sendero GPS also called Sendero LookAround This GPS include and give you Nearest Cross street Nearest 5 points of Interest Map; but this option is not funtional at our community blind Compass; give details of North, South, West and East. POI Category on this tab give the option to choose only 1 of 17 differents category include Airport, School, post office, Patrol Station, Police Station, Hospital, Hotel. restaurant, etc, Note Sendero GPS for iOS is limited just need shake on the iPhone to start. Ariadne GPS Where Am I? Give current location include address example 1000 Leffinnwell Rd South Los Angeles CA 90270 Direction of Movement include North, South, West, East Speed miles per hours walking or on car look around show up the Map,it allow zoom (increase or decrease the Map) numbers, Streets, Locations, Citties, County, States, Country. Start Monitoring Explore Area This GPS is more complete I hope you find some podcast about those GPS app I have both of them, but I only use Ariadne GPS, I don't need the other one any more. I suggest Ariadne GPS is better that other one.
Hi, I use both Sendero and ariadne, as between them, they do offer different useful features. In Ariadne you can plot and name your own pois. The app will tell you where it is by giving a clock or compass direction together with the distance to it in metres or yards. The exploring the map feature is very good, giving freedom to track streets and numbers by tracing your finger on the screen. On the other hand Sendero Has a handy adjustable shake function which gives information when it is shaken. When walking it will naturally be shaken giving really useful info such as nearest cross street and road names etc As you walk. You can adjust how sensitive the shake is in its settings. Unfortunately, both these apps have been somewhat disabled recently by the new iOS6 Iphone update. This happened because there are no longer Google Maps which these apps rely on to function properly. I still havn’t heard any news from sendero and Ariadne say that an update will be coming in a few days. I therefore urge any vo user, not to upgrade to iOS6 yet, if you hav not done so already and use both Sendero and Ariadne on iOS5 together as they are cheaper than alternative solutions, until at least iOS6 issues have been ironed out..