Book for learning Swift

By Greg Wocher, 20 October, 2016

App Development and Programming

Hello everyone,
Does anyone have a book they can recommend for learning swift on bookshare? I tried using iBooks on my Mac but it does not work very well. I tried reading Apples book on Swift but I was unable to effectively read it with iBooks. I could not figure out how to move character by character which is essential for reading a book on programming.



By Fatima.Hamoud10 on Thursday, October 20, 2016 - 19:54

Try using swift playgrounds if you have an iPad. Also, try searching google for books about programming. Hope this helps.

By splyt on Thursday, October 20, 2016 - 19:54

Playgrounds are not acessible for a leraner because one should be able to quickly type code and see results.

Well, the part of seeing results does not work exactly well so I would not take that way.

The Ibooks app like almost everything else fails on Mac OS. Itts accessibility issues are very well known cinse it was first released and it is not fixed and based on historical evidence it is not likely to be fixed in a short term by Apple, as ultimately anything on OS is expected to get attention in terms of accessibility.

What you possibly do not know is that the very same book is kept online by Apple, just look for swift 3 book on google and it should appear.

By reading the online version you can follow with Safari and Xcode reading the book and typing code ,.. this of course in the case that you have full access to the internet while trying to conduct your own training.

Be aware though that reading lonmg articles on safari lets VO ubnstable and using xcode for a long period also lets voiceover unstable and you will be doing these things together so get ready to restart voiceover somehwat frequently.

I would first try to create and run a mac os console program in swift and get confortable doing that cinse you possibly will be following this way instead of using playgrounds.