How to transfer a playlist to my iPad using iTunes on Windows?

By heidi ruiz, 11 October, 2016


hi I am trying to put a playlist on to my I pad from a windows 7 computer threw ITunes with voice over. any tips will be very helpful
thanks in advance,



By Roxann Pollard on Thursday, October 20, 2016 - 19:15

If you are using iTunes 12.0 or above, this can possibly be quite difficult for now. When iTunes was updated to 12.0, accessibility was almost completely lost. Before the update, it was a simple process of highlighting the iPhone once plugged in and then navigating to the playlists area and checking the playlist to be added. However, this process no longer is available. You can still navigate to the proper place but the checkboxes no longer appear.

Now then, if you are an Apple Music subscriber then you can create the playlist directly from Apple Music. If the items on the Windows version of the playlist aren't in Apple Music, then, as far as I know, you will not be able to get the playlist items onto your iPad. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. We are still waiting for iTunes accessibility to be updated. Maybe someone elses experiences will be different and they can give you some other recommendations.

By Fatima.Hamoud10 on Thursday, October 20, 2016 - 19:15

Is iCloud Music Library enabled on your iPad? If so, your playlists are accessible on all your devices. Check to see if it is enabled:
1. Open settings.
2. Scroll down until you hear "Music."
3. Make sure that iCloud Music Library is turned on.
4. When that's done, open the music app and you can download your playlists if you want to listen to them offline.
Hope this helps.