Problem connecting iPhone to PC

By Steve Mann, 9 October, 2016


I'm having an issue connecting my iPhone to my laptop to sinc it. I'm getting the following dialogue box popping up. "iTunes could not connect to this iPhone "Steve's iPhone because an invalid response was received from the device'. No matter what I do, the thing won't go away. I've disconnected and reconnected the phone to the laptop using two different ports, I've rebooted the phone, I've rebooted the computer, and nothing works. Is this an iOS10 bug or is my phone about to go bye bye without so much as a "by your leave"?



By david s on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:49


What version of iPhone are you using and what IOS version do you have installed? Is this a new device or are you currently using it? The error has to do with your computer not being able to communicate with the device. Is there a message on the iphone when you connect it to the PC? Enter password or press continue to trust this computer? Lots of questions I know but to help you figure it out, we need the info.

Worse case, you can put your device into recovery mode but you might lose all the stuff on your device that you haven’t backed up.

By Steve Mann on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:49

In reply to by david s

I'm using an iPhone 6 Plus, and it's the same phone I've been using for almost a year. I'm using the latest iOS, I believe it's 10.2 or thereabouts. I've never seen this happen before. Additionally, the only message I get on the phone is "trust this computer". I tell it to trust the machine and iTunes apparently doesn't get the message. I've not had the chance to back the phone up in a while. Part of the reason I want to connect the phon e to the PC is to back the thing up. Unfortunately, it's not allowing me to sinc the device.

By david s on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:49


Yeah, if it keeps asking you to trust the computer, there is no communication between the PC and iPhone. Are you using an original Apple cable? Does autoplay come up when you connect the phone to the PC via USB cable? What happens when you try to connect the iPhone using the same cable to another PC?

By Shersey on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:49

I had a similar issue, and it took the very nice Apple tech support representatives quite a while to figure out what was going on. I even got connected to a senior representative after a while, and she helped me get things sorted.

Try Googling something like how to update Apple Mobile USB Driver. This should hopefully fix your problem once the driver has been updated.
