Citi Mobile®


Description of App

Description from app store:
Manage your Citibank® accounts and your Citi® credit card accounts on your iPhone® and iPod touch® device. Just install the app and sign on with your online User ID and Password.


  • Check your Citi account balances
  • See recent activity—including details about your credit card transactions
  • Pay bills and track payments
  • Transfer funds between your accounts


  • “Make your credit card payment for ANY AMOUNT—not just the minimum due”
  • Check your outstanding balance
  • See recent transactions
  • View your available credit line
  • Track rewards


  • Quickly find the nearest ATMs/branches


  • Accounts are protected by 128-bit encryption, as they are when you bank online.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


Accessibility Comments

Works flawlessly on my iPod Touch.

The app description only mentions compatibility with the iPhone and iPod Touch and no mention was made of the iPad. One would have to download and try the app on an iPad to determine accessibility but since the app is free, no money would be wasted in doing so in case of inaccessibility.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.



By smhy on Wednesday, October 12, 2016 - 14:04

I just downloaded version 7.9.1. You can still use the "preview" function to view your account balances and recent transactions (if you were already signed up for that feature). But once you log in to the app, it is now completely inaccessible. My cited wife confirmed after multiple times restarting the app, that the app was fully loaded on the screen, and she could use it without VO. But with VO, there is literally not a single element of the screen that can even be highlighted, let alone spoken.

By smhy on Wednesday, October 12, 2016 - 14:04

I figured out what the problem was, though I do not understand it. If I turn off the Citi Mobile Snapshot feature, the app becomes entirely useable again. It's odd, but if you just leave that feature turned off, it appears everything is fine.