IOS update with storage problem?

By Darrell Bowles, 18 September, 2016

iOS and iPadOS

When I updated my IPhone 6 S plus to IOS 10, I was told that I am using 9.2 gigs of storage. I am still using that much, even though I cleared out about 10 or 12 aps, cleared out my downloaded music, and other things. How can I clear out more space, because all of my aps don't equal that much?



By Randi on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

I had the same problem last night... All of a sudden, I'm getting a message that my storage is getting full. It shows that I'm using 11 GB, and showing that I only have something like 600 MB left... I've cleared everything out that I'm not using and still no change... There are bigger apps I had on here but didn't have a problem until yesterday... I ran this update Tuesday when it came out... I love this update otherwise!!!

By Troy on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

With my situation iOS10 actually gave me more storage, or did it? my about section of the phone itself says I have more storage and more free but ITunes tells me I have the same as I did on 9.3.5. Which should I believe?

By Carlos Alonso on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

Same thing here, I have a 16gb iPhone 5s which had already a small amount of apace available, I deleted a bunch of apps which left about 1.2 gb available, updated to 10 an now I'm running out of space after the update even though I didn't install any apps after the update. I can't even use Alex anymore since IOS shows insufficient space to download it. For anyone thinking of ordering the iPhone 7, don't be fooled into thinking that the new base 32gnb base model will be enough, unless you install very few apps, IOS 10 definitely uses more storage - I think Apple should make their base model 64gb, I don't think you can install many popular apps on a 32gb model.

By Seanoevil on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

Hi All,
I had a similar problem with my iPhone5, 16GB.
After updating to IOS10, my Documents and Data ballooned to a whopping 4.5 GB. An amount that I couldn't reconcile. I too deleted heaps of Apps, cleared out every email and old message to no avail. Even with zero emails in my Inbox and the Bin empty the mail App was still registering with almost 1GB of data.
So, I did the only thing I could think of - an iTunes Backup, a factory Reset and Restore.
This pretty much resolved all of my problems and I'm now wondering how to fill all of that empty space.


By OldBear on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

It's a IOS 10 bug and there's a little talk about it in Google searches. I guess it's not clearing out some background data or something.
I have an iPhone 6 and all the extra stuff is in documents and data. It looks like it will eventually use up all the storage space, so I will have to do the restore and reset. I don't want to, though.

By Randi on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

In reply to by OldBear

I really hate to go back to the older version... I love this update!!!! So many great new features! I hope there can be a fix for it soon...

By Darrell Bowles on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

I will do that. I will see if it comes on the new pone. Hopefully it does not.

By Toonhead on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

Sometimes there are temporary files left over after you uninstall an app. there was an app I used in iOS 9 called memory and disc scanner pro, but it doesn't seem to work under iOS 10. I'm hoping they'll update the app, because it's really VoiceOver-friendly and it works as advertised. It'll actually clear out all those temporary files leftover after uninstalling apps, or deleting audible books as well. So lets hope memory and disc scanner pro gets an update!

By Randi on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

I'll be taking a trip to the Apple store sometime soon to have them work on the phone. My amount of available storage keeps changing... At this point, I have none available... Not good!!!

By Jake on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

To anyone with space issues, have you been playing any iTunes videos via the Videos app? These don't show up in your storage settings, but they do take up a large amount of space. To clarify, even if you press "play" and not "download" most, if not all of, the video will be residing on your device. You need to go into the Videos app and press the edit button to clear these out. Look for similar things in other apps which take up space but do not show up in the storage settings.

By OldBear on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

I did try a hard reboot and it gave me a tiny bit of storage back, but it was taken back by the bug and then more. I'm not finding a whole lot on this on the web, but maybe not many have hit the full storage or noticed yet, so they don't know.
I've turned off most of the app background refreshes, and I'm holding off of deleting a bunch of apps because I want something to hold space. If apple does send out an update; the bug would just eat up the space and there's no way to get it back.

By Troy on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

That sucks about the disc scanner pro as I also used this, Are they even still updating that app I wonder?

By Randi on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

I haven't had any luck here either... I have no storage free at this point... I'm going to the Apple store tomorrow morning. I wish I could just upgrade my phone but can't until at least December... I couldn't update at this point either.

By Toonhead on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

So I have an update on memory and disc scanner pro, I had done an iCloud backup, and I was looking a bit earlier at the app and I noticed that it said I was running a trial version. I had purchased the app earlier but forgot to restore the purchase to have full functionality. I tried a scan and it cleared about 64 mb of stuff off my new iPhone, but of course the results maybe different for you. So give Memory and Disc Scanner pro a try.

By Seanoevil on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

To Randy and others still having this problem,
Did you try the ITunes Backup, reset and restore I mentioned earlier?
I was having the same problems, my phone entirely out of memory etc. This resolved it completely.
IOS10 is now running fine on my old device and I have not noticed any inexplicable increase in my memory use. In fact, I just checked and still have 5GB free...

Give it a go...


By Troy on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

@tunehead what issues were you having with memory and disc scanner pro? It seemed to work fine for me under iOS10 on my end.

By OldBear on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

Never mind, it started back up. I will plan on backup and restore at some point.

Here's what I wrote:
When I turned off most of the background app refreshing, I got back point four gb (just a tiny bit) and it seemed to slow down the storage loss. I have all of them turned off now.
The backup and restore is the last resort for me, but I might end up there.

By Tom Kingston on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

I just updated my 5S after reading these posts. So I checked my available disk space before and after. I had 7.5 Gb free before and 7.47 after. So iOS 10 cost me only .3 Gb.

By rdfreak on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

Perhaps this is why I'm having memory issues, though I did before I installed IOS 10 anyway. For that reason alone, I'm getting an iPhone 7 and I guess this is telling me I should set it up as a new iPhone so I don't get junk from whatever from my iPhone 6S.

By Darrell Bowles on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

In reply to by rdfreak

Even though, I restored from an iCloud back up, I did not encounter the same problem on the iPhone 7 Plus. I did delete the Apple apps, which leaves me with about 24 gigs of space remaining. I do plan on getting word, but I realized, that Facebook was improperly installed, and I was being told that it was taking up 394 MB versus the 100 and something megabytes it was supposed to take. Apparently, this does not seem to affect the newer models.

By KE7ZUM on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

Soemone else had this issue, they just restarted and it also cleared out junk. I just restored and went from 13 gig free to 30 under manage section. Yeeee!

I'm lucky enough to live close enough to an Apple store and went there this morning. The tech was fantastic as always!!! He wiped my phone clean and reinstalled IOS10 along with all my folders etc. I now have close to 8 GB free again! Will be getting a phone with more memory in December for sure. I'll go back to Apple rather than my carrier.

By Tina on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

I am using an iPhone 6 with iOS 10. When I updated, I gained somewhere around 4 GB of space. Before, I was told I had 55.5 GB. As of now, my capacity is somewhere around 59n GB. I'm sure that when Game Center was dropped, that could have done something, but whatever Apple did, I was surprised and pleased to gain some storage. Has this happened to anyone else? Thanks.

By OldBear on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

Since I knew the restore was a sure fix, I was wondering what would happen to the phone if storage was completely used up. I decided to get everything prepared, read up on the process and just watch what happens. It never got there because it dropped down to about 3 and a third gb free over night. I guess it's just digesting away all the old stuff or something.
I was really wondering if the phone part of the iPhone still works if the storage is full. Anyway, I'll keep watching what happens, but thanks for the restore from backup suggestion.

By OldBear on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:48

Thanks, that's good to know the phone still works when it's full.
I might still end up restoring from backup to try to get rid of a VoiceOver html bug, but I need to make sure I know how to reconnect my bluetooth keyboard on the other side of the restore. I don't want to have to typ in all the passwords and network keys on the screen keyboard and I also want to look over all the stuff I have on there before.