What is the best and easiest way to backup an iOS device?

By Troy, 23 July, 2016

iOS and iPadOS

I was wondering what is the best and easiest method of backing up? I currently use ITunes however when I get a new phone like for example I just upgraded from a 5s to an SE and I also noticed this last time when I went from a 4s to a 5s if there's a recent update that just came out like in this case it was 9.3.3, well the SE that I bought had 9.3.2 on it and my 5s had 9.3.3. What I had to do in order for my backup to restore is set up the phone as new, update the software to 9.3.3 and then restore from the backup. Is there an easier way of doing this? If I were to use ICloud instead would I still run into this issue?



By Toonhead on Thursday, August 11, 2016 - 07:47

When I got my iPhone 6 the phone had a previous version on it. Before I restored from an iCloud backup, I updated the firmware to the latest version and then did the restore. It did take a while but it was worth the wait. I'm really kind of nuts about my iPhone apps being in folders and to my great delight, all my apps and folders got downloaded and they were exactly where they should've been, apart from a couple and I was able to move them into the proper folders. Pretty painless experience. Like I say it took a while cause all the apps and folder information had to download, but I just put the phone down for a bit and went off and did something else. When I came back everything was just as it was on my earlier iPhone 5.

By Nina on Thursday, August 11, 2016 - 07:47

I always use iCloud to back up and I've never had the issue you describe. I prefer iCloud than ITunes but that's just me.

I'm using IOS 10 public beta, and now that they've made it so, so much easier to arrange apps and put them in folders, I have moved every single one of my apps into folders; even have a snazzy, custom dock with phone, settings, safari and camera. Anyhoo, I plan to get the IPhone 7 when it's released, and was wondering how best to back things up before officially retiring my 5S. I want to insure that my folder structure is retained; have no desire to re-invent the wheel, so to speak. I mean, just because arranging apps is easier now doesn't mean that I want to do it all over again. So, is a full iTunes back-up my best bet, or will an ICloud backup retain folder structure as well? Thanks! I'm sure I'll be asking for more in-depth details once the new phone becomes a reality, or maybe it's even something the kind folks at the apple store can help me with. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you, Toonhead, because I *think* you've answered my questions, at least to a degree. *grin*

By Fiona on Thursday, August 11, 2016 - 07:47

Besides iTunes and iCloud, there is another option to backup your iPhone or iPad - with an iTunes alternative named AnyTrans, it allows you to back up photos, videos, music, messages, notes, contacts, and more from iPhone to computer in readable format.

By Eric Davis on Thursday, August 11, 2016 - 07:47

I use iCloud, but I try to do a back up in iTunes once a month. I know that I should do it more than that, but I forget. I find that iCloud is much easier to configure. Like they used to say on that silly late nite TV commercial,"Just set it and forget it."

By OldBear on Thursday, August 11, 2016 - 07:47

I have my iPhone set to backup to iCloud automatically when it's plugged in etc., and that is the main backup I am counting on.
I do go through iTunes on my last Windows 8.1 computer every so often; I don't really like iTunes. Apple doesn't make iTunes for Linux either, so I don't count on that backup for the long term.
I have read that iCloud will save the folder structure, but I've never restored an iPhone to find out.

By KE7ZUM on Thursday, August 11, 2016 - 07:47

I use imazing to backup my phone. I can port the bundle anyware if I choose to. I cloud didn't save some of my folder structure, In fact i had 3 pages of apps I had to move. I was not at all pleased. I use iexplorer and imazing to manage my device.