Need help syncing tracks to my phone using iTunes for Windows

By Cat, 11 July, 2016


okay not sure if anyone can help me, but I am hoping so. I am trying to synch tracks to my phone using iTunes for windows on windows 10. Here's the problem. these tracks are not on apple music, they are tracks that a friend of mine made. Only a few tracks made it to my phone, and the one I love the most did not and I can not get it to go on no matter what I do. they are in .mp3 format. Do tracks have to be in apple music to work on your iPhone/iPods now? If not what am I doing wrong? do I need to convert this one track to .m4a now? Thanks in advance.



By MarkSarch on Monday, July 11, 2016 - 07:51

Hi Cat
regarding to your questions
Do tracks have to be in apple music to work on your iPhone now?
The answer is simple no, however for some subscribers of apple music the issues to Sync music from iTunes Library to iOS devices is very often.
but the most important here is the format in order Sync media from iTunes library require some specific format.
You have to convert the MP3 track to apple format you says m4a and that's right.