How to Add Folders to the Dock on iOS

By tunmi13, 8 June, 2016


Sometimes, the dock is just so small, but you have so many apps that are essential, and you'd rather not go sifting through your pages looking for that app when you need it. With this cool trick, you can fit more than 4 apps in your dock, just by using folders. Here's how.

Quick Notes

I previously wrote this guide to demonstrate this process, but since then it has been very out of date. Therefore, I've updated the guide accordingly and I've split it into two separate sections.

One section will talk about doing this process on devices below iOS 10, then the other section will discuss doing the same thing, on devices running iOS 10 or later.

Section 1. Guide for Devices below iOS10

  1. From the homescreen, double tap and hold on any icon and the word moving will be heard. Let go of the app to remain in edit mode.
  2. Create a folder with two apps; First locate the first app, then double tap and hold. Move the app through your various pages if needed by sliding off the page, either on the left or the right, to switch pages.
  3. Find the second app and drop the first app on top to make a new folder. Label it as you wish, then go drag the remaining apps you want into the folder.
  4. Make sure you have enough room in your dock (limit is 4) then drop the folder in your dock. You can have as many apps you want in that folder without having to clear your dock for those apps.

When you're done, press the Home button, and Edit mode will be disabled.

Keep in mind when dragging the folder, you are dragging it to the bottom of your screen, as that is the dock's location.

Section 2. Guide for Devices Running iOS10 or Later

  1. From the homescreen, find any icon and use the rotor gesture to find the Actions option. Select Edit Mode. VoiceOver should announce "Started editing."
  2. Find the apps you want to add to a new folder. First swipe down to drag in the Rotor, then double tap to grab the app. If you have multiple apps, select Add to drag session by swiping down until you reach it.
  3. Once you reach the last app, swipe down until you hear Create folder. Double-tap to create a new folder and label it if you wish.
  4. Now, swipe down on the folder until you hear drag, then focus VoiceOver in the dock area and drop the folder before or after an app already in the dock.

When you're finished, press the Home button to abort Edit mode.


I hope this revised guide helped, as I know this really needed updating, so here you go. If you have questions, comments, suggestions, or anything worth noting, comment below, or use my AppleVis contact form.


The article on this page has generously been submitted by a member of the AppleVis community. As AppleVis is a community-powered website, we make no guarantee, either express or implied, of the accuracy or completeness of the information.



By Igna Triay on Monday, June 20, 2016 - 19:35

Great guide. I wanted to put more apps in the dock, but I didn't know how. Thanks for this guide.

By Clare Page on Monday, June 20, 2016 - 19:35

Hi! Thanks very much for this guide: I can confirm that the instructions in it worked very well. I didn't have to move apps from the dock into a folder, I took the ones I wanted to add to the dock out of the folder they used to be in, then I created a new one for them before moving it to the dock. Till I read this guide I didn't know that folders could be moved to the dock from further up the home screen, so thanks for telling us that is possible so that i could successfully do it myself.

By tunmi13 on Monday, June 20, 2016 - 19:35

It really comes in handy when you have a crowded home screen.
If anything needs to be modified or edited, just comment down below and I would be happy to change anything in particular about my guide.

By Faerie on Monday, June 20, 2016 - 19:35

hello. I suggest that the guide be renamed to reflect that it is folders, not apps, being put in the dock. Folders and apps are two different things. It is one thing to have a folder full of apps, and have a folder in a dock, it is quite another to have more than four stand alone apps in place.
Either way, a lovely guide, and I'm sure it will be useful for some. thank you

By KE7ZUM on Monday, June 20, 2016 - 19:35

Agreed.You can't have more then 4 items in the doc regardless. Good guide, however I can see people getting confused as I was when I read the guide's title.

By tunmi13 on Sunday, October 20, 2019 - 19:35

Hey people,
I apologize for my coming-of-age arrogancy, but I've changed the guide name and modified it to fit the body a little more.