Finder is busy

By AppleForAll, 4 June, 2016

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi all,
I have the following issue in finder: When I open a folder that contains several subfolders VO always says that Finder is busy and it takes me let's say 20 seconds to navigate down to the next folder.
I'm working with a MacBook (2016) but also experienced this problem on my MacBook Air 12 (2012). I'm running OS X 10.11.5 and I'm browsing in column view.
Do you have any ideas? I would be very thankful cause it bothers a lot.

Best regards



By Nathan Stocking on Tuesday, June 21, 2016 - 18:09

The problem with this message is that it can indicate any condition that causes finder to take some time. I'm thinking that there must be some automatic action taken when focusing on a directory, such as calculating the number of files or attempting some classification of them. You could search the view settings (command+j) or the standard ones (command+comma) and see if anything jumps out. Assuming this isn't the case, you could just have a lot of resource-hungry processes going, as well. Sorry I can't be any more helpful, and please let me know if there are any extra details.