FileBrowser - Document Manager


Description of App

FileBrowser is the original and best file manager and viewer for iOS. FileBrowser can view, copy, move, upload, download, stream, and manage files between computers, servers, NAS drives and cloud storage in any direction. You don’t need to install any other software - FileBrowser will scan and locate computers on your network and connect in seconds and will connect to cloud storage quickly too.  We’ve optimised FileBrowser so that it browses network folders faster than Windows Explorer or Mac Finder and our users agree!  AT HOME: Stream movies and music over WiFi direct to your iPad/iPhone. View a slideshow of photos from your computer. Share photos and videos onto a large screen using AppleTV or other AirPlay server (e.g. RaspberryPi). No need to sync or copy to your iPad/iPhone. Access your NAS without needing to turn your computer on.  AT WORK: Browse file servers over the Internet using the iPad/iPhone's built in VPN support. View, download and upload documents on company servers. Edit and update files on the server (requires additional doc editing app such as Pages). Choose where to keep your data and control how files are shared. Migrate to Cloud storage at a pace that suits you.  ON THE ROAD: Connect remotely to your home/work network or use FileBrowser with a portable WiFi drive to expand your iPad or iPhone’s capacity without limits. See our website for more details.  
  • All browsing and file transfers are performed using the iPad/iPhone so you don’t need to sit at your computer to upload files to FileBrowser. 
  • View every document type and play every media type that iOS supports. Pass files to and from other apps - for example, store email attachments in FileBrowser for later use with an editor app. 
  • FileBrowser requires no additional software on the target computer/network drive. 
  • Connect to your servers over the Internet (3G or WiFi) with appropriate software/router configuration. See support on 
PLEASE READFileBrowser requires iOS 5.1 or later.  Read our support page for help getting connected. You can also email for fast friendly help. Please Note - we are only able to provide support in English.  FileBrowser will not be able to access your files on your home computer from a remote location over the Internet without your computer being accessible FROM the Internet and SMB file sharing enabled.  
  • Connects to Windows 2000 and above, MacOS from 10.5, most variants of Linux, and most (but not all) NAS drives. Try our free FileBrowserLite app to test connectivity. 
  • Does NOT support AFP or FTP. 



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

Really great. A few unlabeled buttons but still totally usable.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Developer's Twitter Username



5 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Austin Seraphin 8 years 10 months ago



By Jessica Brown on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

1. Can you do actions like moving and renaming files stored on your computer or is it just for viewing and not editing? 2. It says it connects to windows 2000 and higher. I have xp. Is that lower or higher then xp. I think it is lower and this app will not work for me, but just want to check. Thanks.

By David Goodwin on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:17

The latest update adds some more nice features and a new setting specifically for VoiceOver users: What's New in Version 5.1 
  • Added new Dark user interface theme.
  • Added support for Google-Drive, including content searching of files.
  • Added full HD AirPlay support for viewing photos including pinch-to-zoom. 
  • Added searching of sub-folders.
  • Added streaming of video to VLC app.
  • Added app switcher screen security when startup password is in force.
  • Video files now resume playing where they left off.
  • Improved Pages, Numbers & Keynote interoperability.
  • Added ability to ZIP folders within My Files.
  • Added the ability to change Voiceover reading order.
  • Can now create album folders and copy photos into albums in Photo Library.
  • Image thumbnails now available for all storage locations including cloud drives.
  • Fixed bookmarks to file: URLs.
  • Fixed connecting to WD N750 & N900 routers.
  • Fixed button and caret visibility with pinstripe theme.
  • Fixed viewing WebDAV folders containing hidden files.

By KE7ZUM on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:17

This app sounds cool, but does it have bitcasa support? I use this for my own cloud storage not dropbox if I can help it.This app actually sounds a bit like air file but for the computer side of things as well.

By Voracious P. Brain on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - 07:17

Takes the place of multiple apps, such as my NAS drive app, OneDrive app, GoogleDrive app, etc., and lets one get files into another app like Voice Dream. However, navigating file lists is only slightly more efficient than in OneDrive itself, because flicking through each column (size, date, context menu button, name) is the only way I can find to get through the list. A table index to jump to the first file with a given alphanumeric character would be so much better. As would having all the info for each file in one "flick" so that each flick went to another file. Anybody know of a file manager that works that way?

If you switch to the new FileBrowser grid view mode, each swipe will read the next file name. You don't have to swipe to get past each file size and date. Also if you want to find a particular file, use the search button and tap the first letter of the name to quickly show files starting with this letter or containing this letter. Hope this helps!

By KE7ZUM on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - 07:17

I read that file browser does not support ftp as well as afp. That could be a problem as most of us use ftp for file transfer protocall. so if I were to connect to my server in california I could not transfer somethign to my home with ftp using file browser? I'm confused here. I should not be, but I am. lol!

Also what's the adventage with this over air file? or are both different tools for different things?

By Soupy on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - 07:17

Marrie, I’ve not had any problems connecting to my FTP with this app. It’s not something that I do very often, but I’ve previously used filebrowser to view files on my FTP and also to move files between my Mac and FTP. I would be fairly confident that I could also move files between my FTP and my NAS or DropBox account if desired.

By KE7ZUM on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - 07:17

Hmm. I don't see a way to use dropbox with this app. Only afp and some toehr protocall seem to work. and it does say I think in the discription that ftp is *not* suppored. I hink they changed the app a bit as that's what I noticed.

Take care.

Marrie, that’s odd. I have the current version of the app and am able to connect to both FTP and Dropbox. Both are also listed as options if I go to add a new connection.

Dumb question, but you do have the correct app, yes?

By KE7ZUM on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - 07:17

Yeah it would seem so. I had to type in the ip of my mac which I did, or the domain. and fill in my user name and pass when I connected. I'm using the lite version.

By Soupy on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - 07:17

Really pleased to see support for iCloud Drive added in the latest update. It’s not full browsing access like you get with your other connections, but I suspect that this is due to Apple restrictions. Regardless, the ability to import and export from/to iCloud Drive is a step in the right direction.

What's New in Version 5.5:

* Fixed iOS 8 issues.
* Added support for iPhone 6/6+
* Added iCloud Drive import/export
* Added Traditional Chinese language
* Added Simplified Chinese language

For more information on any of these features, please visit

By Jessica Brown on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:17

For the most part, I love this app. In my opinion, it's the file manager app that should have been included with iOS. I have a wireless card reader from a company called EZOPower. It acts like a NAS, but instead of the storage being inside the NAS drive, the device has an sd card slot and a usb port. This means that I can move files in any direction between my iPhone, dropbox and yes, a usb stick or even an sd card. Yes! Something I have been trying to find a way to do for years! I can open a file from any app into file browser, then save it to the usb stick, sd card, or dropbox. There are also other cloud services supported, but dropbox is the only one I use. I can also use file browser to open a file from a usb stick, sd card or dropbox into any app on my iPhone that supports open in. The only problem is I have more then one iOS device and I got the first one connected and working just fine. However, when I disconnected it and tried to connect a second iOS device to the card reader, I could see all the drives and even all the folders and files on the drives, but when I tried to do any file operations like copy or delete, I got some kind of access denied message. I restarted the card reader and still the same message. However, i can still do file operations without error messages on the first iOS device that I connected. I checked the settings in the app and there does not seem to be any restrictions set. So what's going on. Thank you.

By KE7ZUM on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:17

I would write to the dev, maybe there are hidden restrictions in ios or the hardware you have.

Good luck.

By Jessica Brown on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:17

Yes. I also emailed the dev but thought I would ask here incase another user of this app could help me out. I also whent to the dev's site and found out that there are 3 versions of the app so maybe I got the wrong one for what I am trying to do but I can't tell if that is the problem or not because the comparison chart is not accessible. The one I got was about 5 or $6. Thank you.

By KE7ZUM on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:17

I believe that is the right one. I have th eone that connects to just about everything.

Take care.

By raaj on Friday, March 11, 2016 - 07:17

Hi kind people,

I bought this app. I was playing with it for a few hours. But I can connect with my dropbox and I can also view the files and foulder on the dropbox. But I tried connecting it with my laptop which is also in the same network. But I didn't get success so far.

Is there any tutorial available? I don't mind either it is audio or text. But I think I need some guidance for connecting my laptop with windows7.

Thanks in advance.


By KE7ZUM on Friday, March 11, 2016 - 07:17

You need to follow the directions on your laptop and enable the appropriate network protocol on your laptop. This will Barry between model of laptop. For the mac it was easy. Have not tried windows yet.

I still don't understand it right. I'm giving my laptop's IP as for an example, "" but it is still not accepting even if I'm hitting the done button after entering the IP of my laptop.

Wish there was a tutorial for setting up this.

Take care.


By JeffB on Wednesday, May 11, 2016 - 07:17

Hi so I am able to connect to my PC laptop fine but however when I try and connect to my PC I get this error message. User does not have network log in privilege. I've done everything I can think of to connect but I haven't had any luck. I don't know how to make it so my count has that account privilege.

By KE7ZUM on Wednesday, May 11, 2016 - 07:17

Actually I
I'm having a similar issue on mac os. I get username and password unknown even though they are correct. I wonder if something has changed in both of our os's?

By JeffB on Wednesday, May 11, 2016 - 07:17

I fixed this issue turns out that even though I renamed my account it still went by the oridgnal name of Owner. Try seeing what your Mac folder is called if there is a Windows equivalent of the users folder. I don't know much about Mac sorry.

By KE7ZUM on Wednesday, May 11, 2016 - 07:17

Hey no worries. It happeend when I got my computer back and nothing had been changed. I'll probably look later as right now I use a different but effective method. Lol!

Thanks for the idea though.

By JeffB on Wednesday, May 11, 2016 - 07:17

No problem!

By Adam Samec on Sunday, December 11, 2016 - 07:17


this app is really easy to navigate and get started. It does its job pretty well, it can even optionally show hidden or system files, although it also has some limitations. Particularly, it can unpack ZIP archives and create them, but only in the local folders, and ZIP files can be created only from folders, not files. Other compression formats than ZIP are not supported. It's great that you can open any file as text, however, it would be even better if one could edit the files straight in the app and quickly save back. Concerning the FTP servers, only FTP and SFTP protocols are supported, not FTPS, that is, ftp over SSl/TLS, and it's not possible to change file permissionsS.

Therefore, if you are looking for a more advanced file browser and FTP client which can do these things missing in FileBrowser,, you might be interested in something like FTP Client Pro, although for most uses, FileBrowser is a great choice, I would say.

Kind regards