Word for iOs vs Pages?

By Melanie, 10 April, 2016

iOS and iPadOS

Hi. I have to use MS Word on a Windows machine in my office, but I'm considering my personal pc and either using only my i device or getting a Mac. I've heard general comments to the affect that the iOS version of Word is much more accessible, but haven't seen any further info about it. I've had limited experience trying to use Pages on my iPhone 6+ but had some trouble editing documents and often lose my place. I'm wondering if anyone has used both apps and can share some thoughts about the advantages and disadvantages of each.




By Chris Bruinenberg on Monday, April 11, 2016 - 07:44

Hi there.
I am using word on my iPad at work to write notes. One thing that pages annoys me with is you have to export the document as a word document. This is just extras steps. Sometimes the formatting doesn't always stay during the export. I just prefer office personally, but pages and the iWork suite is free.
Good luck.

By Melanie on Monday, April 11, 2016 - 07:44

In reply to by Chris Bruinenberg

Thank you. Actually, cost isn't an issue because we have the ability to install the licensed copy bought by my employer on our personal devices that we use to work on from home or while traveling. Have you encountered any accessibility issues with Office, or significant limitations of the app itself?

By ftealucard on Monday, April 11, 2016 - 07:44

Just gave a presentation using NVDA and voiceover on OSX/IOS to a rehab agency earlier today. Used pages but would love to look at other apps. My point was to demo alternatives to jaws/window eyes and I was impressed by pages at least on OSX autoreading formatting info such as font/bold etc with text attributes turned on as you navigate. Can word for IOS do that with voiceover?

By Chris Bruinenberg on Monday, April 11, 2016 - 07:44

Sorry for the late reply.
I know you can read the font with VO+t in pages and word with a Bluetooth keyboard. I'm assuming that is how you will be doing a lot of the editing. The only thing that bugs me about word is you can't delete a word at a time, only delete by characters. I haven't tried a document with comments yet however, I do know this works in pages. For me, it was compatibility. I hated to export every document from pages to word format at work. Hope this helps a. Little.

By Melanie on Monday, April 11, 2016 - 07:44

In reply to by Chris Bruinenberg

Yes, that is interesting. Do you have access to a cut and paste feature in word, so that you could, for example, Cut a word or group of words out of the text instead of deleting it A character at a time? Thank you.

By peter on Monday, April 11, 2016 - 07:44

Any hints about spell checking a document using either Word or Pages and which might be easier? How is this done efficiently?
