Help needed with setting up and using a bluetooth keyboard with an iPad

By pam, 25 February, 2016

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

hi. can anyone please how to set up and how to use a bt keyboard that links to my ipad? many thanks



By TamagotchiTune on Sunday, February 28, 2016 - 07:26

Hi. To set your keyboard up to your iPad go to settings on the iPad. Turn Bluetooth on. Then make sure your keyboard is on. And while your in the bluetooth settings on the iPad look for the name of your keyboard. Pair it and your keyboard will work with your iPad.

By Toonhead on Sunday, February 28, 2016 - 07:26

Some BT keyboards have a pairing button on the bottom of the keyboard, usually right by the power switch. So if Bluetooth is already on, but you don't see your keyboard in the list of available devices, make sure the keyboard is turned on, and then hold the pairing button down for 10 to 15 seconds. then, check again and if all goes well, your keyboard should show up in the list. Double-tap and VoiceOver will say, Bluetooth pairing request. enter the code, followed by a 4 digit number on your keyboard, followed by the return or enter key. For example, enter the code 7859 on Bluetooth keyboard followed by the return or enter key. If you do that, and don't receive any error messages, you're good to go. to move left using the keyboard, use your left arrow. to move right, press the right arrow key. To do the equivilant of a double-tap gesture, you can press the up and down arrow keys down together and that should do the trick. I hope this helps.

By tunmi13 on Sunday, February 28, 2016 - 07:26

1. Tap Settings > Bluetooth.
2. If you haven't switched Bluetooth On, turn it on before proceeding to step 3.
3. Turn on your Bluetooth Keyboard, and if your keyboard comes with a pairing button, (usually right next to the on/off switch), hold it down for about 10 seconds. Sometimes what will happen is that if your iPad sees you doing this you will not need to go over and select the device. It will just pop up the Bluetooth Pairing Request automatically.
4. Type in the code given on your iPad on your keyboard, and press ENTER when finished.

Quick Keyboard Commands to Get Started
Plus sign is only used to tell you what keys to press, you should not hold the plus sign down.
CTRL+OPTION+LEFT ARROW: Move to the previous element.
CTRL+OPTION+RIGHT ARROW: Moves to the next element.
Depending on your Modifior Keys Settings, if you haven't set to Capslock it will be Left Arrow Capslock and Right Arrow Capslock.
COMMAND+TAB: Switches between apps.