Ferrite Recording Studio


Description of App

Ferrite is the award-winning app you need for creating podcasts, radio journalism, or other professional voice production work — lectures, speeches, voiceovers and more.

It combines the ease-of-use of a “voice memo” audio recorder, with a versatile multi-track editing studio. Powerful tools like effects and automation are available when you need them. With its time-saving features and a UI designed to get out of your way, people around the world are switching to Ferrite.

— Streamlined Recording —

Open Ferrite and with just one tap you’re recording. No fuss, and it won't break a sweat even with hours-long sessions. Just make sure your device has enough free space!

Recording an interview and you want to highlight a few quotes? Have to take out some inappropriate language? Or just fluffed a sentence and need to fix it? Bookmark moments during your recording and they’ll be flagged up during edits, so you can jump right to them.

Monitor levels with live recording meters, or listen through headphones. Tag your audio to find it quickly later. And of course you can import audio from your Music Library, iCloud, and other services such as Dropbox.

Please note: the free version has limited duration for recording & editing projects. Upgrade to Pro and you can edit projects up to 24 hours long!

— Editing is a Snip —

Ferrite features full multi-track editing, from quick cuts, to producing a complete podcast or broadcast package. Zoom out to see hours at a glance, or zoom in all the way down to individual samples.

Take a single clip, or a bunch, and arrange them in an editing project: move, crop, slice, fade in and out, or crossfade between clips just by overlapping them. You have full control over each track’s volume and panning, and can Mute or Solo as needed.

And best of all, you needn’t fear trying out changes: Ferrite has great Undo/Redo — even if you quit the app and come back a month later, you can still undo all the way back to the moment you created your project!

— Advanced Features —

Need more? Ferrite also includes:

• Automatic ducking: set tracks to “duck under” others (e.g. ducking music behind voiceovers).

• Strip Silence: Carves away all the silent sections from a recording, making it easy to edit the remaining audio.

• (iPad only) Split View and Slide Over support: Use Ferrite side-by-side with other apps. Recording a narration? Open another app with your script and place Ferrite down the side of the screen. Or open the User Guide in Safari on one side while you learn Ferrite on the other.

With a single In-App Purchase, you can unlock many additional tools, including:

• Record up to 8 channels at once (with iOS 13 and compatible audio interface)

• Prepare your audio for production with Noise Reduction and Auto Levelling.

• Add professional effects to your tracks such as EQ, Noise Gate and Dynamic Range Compression, for projects that sound clean and engaging.

• Automate volume, panning and effects settings so they vary over time, both on individual tracks and the final mix.

• Tighten Audio can automatically take out awkward pauses and gaps.

• Producing a podcast or series? Create a template to get each new episode off to a flying start.

• Found the perfect settings for an effect or tool? Save them as a Preset for re-use in other projects.

• Audio Unit Extensions: if you have other apps installed that provide effects as Audio Unit Extensions, they’ll show up in Ferrite, where you can add them to tracks or projects.

Note: Split View and Slide Over require a recent iPad. Please see our support pages for more details on compatibility. Maximum number of tracks available depends on the speed of your device.



Free or Paid

Free With In-App Purchase

Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

App is fully Accessible! Even so much so, that There is a VO section of it's user guide. ALSO QWERTY KEYBOARD SUPPORT FOR EDITING AUDIO!!!!! THIS IS A GAME CHANGER!!!!!

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

From the same creator of Hokusai comes Ferrite, Accessibility has been thought of from the get go! I'm looking forward to learning this app and feel it could be a game changer in my mobile workflow

Developer's Twitter Username



7 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by DrewWeber 4 months 4 weeks ago



By Igna Triay on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - 07:45

Anyone knows how does this app work? Although, I haven't experimented that much on it.

By Karina Velazquez on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - 07:45

Hi I have use this app and first of all I have experimented a crash everytime I record a new audio, when I press the stop button when recording, Vo stays quiet and after some seconds the app crashes. This doesn't affect my recording as when I open the app again, there I fine what I have recorded but it is very Annoying.
Also I haven't found many useful tools in the free version as you can only record and add more recordings to your project, as all the other fetures are blocked until you purchase the them, and in my opinion they are very expensive for what they are.

By DrewWeber on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - 07:45

In reply to by Karina Velazquez

Hello Karina. Please follow the respective links to developers Twitter or Website to contact and let him know about the issues your experiencing. As this is only version 1.0 of the app released on Nov4, there are bound to be some issues. Your making him aware will only make the app better to use for yourself and other customers. As far as Pricing goes, the upgrades are reasonable in competition to other DAW workstation pricepoints. Of course it depends on what you are wanting to accomplish with the app if you will actually need all upgrades, or any of them.
The fact that the developer makes the app free for us to try out is really a win win in my book.

Thank you.


By Krister Ekstrom on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - 07:45

What is the difference between Ferrite and Hokusei? As i understand it the apps both kater to the same folks, namely those who want to use the phone as a field recorder, right? Why one over the other?

By DrewWeber on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - 07:45

In reply to by Krister Ekstrom

Thank you for your comment. Ferrite and Hokusai are both more suited as editors, vs strictly field recording apps, :) though that may be besides the point. In the comments in original post, you see that Ferrite has QWERTY Keyboard support, this would be a big reason for choosing the app. Ferrite also may not be prone to same crashes as Hokusai Ferrite more able to work with longer files, export to more services, etc. I don't have a lot of experience with Ferrite as of yet, so that's just off the top of my head.

Thank you,

Drew Weber

By Krister Ekstrom on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - 07:45

It didn't take me long of testing to see one of Ferrites weak points: you can not edit clips under 1 second with Voiceover. Even if you can zoom up to individual samples it looks like VO stops counting at 1 second and stays there, so forget precision editing, if ofcourse i'm not wrong. Furthermore there's no audible cuing, no scrub or such whatsoever, that would've been a bonus and a good thing too. I haven't understood how to select things in Ferrite either, there's an edit point but what to do with it is unclear. To summarize, i'm still looking for a good audio editor either on the mac actually preferrably on the mac or on iDevices that can do precision editing using audible cuing like the old Sound Designer from Digidesign did back in the days of Os7.

By Tom on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - 07:45

I just contacted the developer, who explained that precision editing is possible. Currently there is a VoiceOver bug which doesn't allow more precise editing. This bug has been corrected, and the app update was submitted to Apple, expected to show up next week. I'm very impressed about the level of VoiceOver support in Version 1.0. If I can get precision editing, it will be one more task I can move from desktop to mobile.

I also played with Hokusai from the same developer. This app also has good accessibility built in, but it appears that it is intended for smaller projects. Hokusai does have very accurate precision editing, but the reason amongst other things why I like Ferrite better is because it has a very extensive keyboard support, detailed in the user guide.

By swordsmasher on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 07:45

Hello this app also mentioned projects. Would we be able to import project from GarageBand?

By KE7ZUM on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 07:45

Probably not. These are probably projects in a proprietary format. You can email email the dev though.

By Igna Triay on Friday, March 11, 2016 - 07:45

Is it possible to add one track after another? I mean, I added a audio file, then I press add new track, but then it says track two of two empty. How do I add another audio file to that empty spot so that it only becomes one track? Does anyone know? Thanks for any help.

By Luke on Friday, March 11, 2016 - 07:45

Does this app support midi and AudioBus? I would like to be able to use software synthesizers, such as those in GarageBand, as well as connect my midi keyboard. Thank you

By raaj on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 07:45

I haven't upgraded yet. But this sounds very much interesting. If we can do with voiceover support, I'm planning to go for pro version.

Can anybody tell me where can I find the commands?


By Mike Taylor on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - 07:45

Credit to the devs for this latest update.
Taken from the what's new section:
New for paying customers:

• Export to .MP3 files.
• Add chapters to .MP3 projects.
• Select alternative keyboard shortcut schemes or customise the keybinds to your liking.

New for all customers:

• Shortcut key browser, built-in & searchable.
• Import multiple audio files at once into existing projects, either on separate tracks or one after another on the same track.
• Zoom tracks vertically.
• Crop/zoom imported images when adding them to cover artwork or chapters.
• Reliability and user-experience fixes.

By Diego on Saturday, November 11, 2017 - 07:45

could anyone explain how to select parts of the audio? I read the app user guide, but I did not understand

By Kelly Sapergia on Monday, June 11, 2018 - 07:45

I'm trying to figure out how to use Ferrite on my iPhone 6 Plus to record a multitrack project.
After I recorded my first track, I pressed the Record button again, but don't hear what I just recorded. I noticed there are two recordings, but I'm not sure they're actual tracks.
I then tried going into the Edit screen and adding a new track. That worked fine, but I can't seem to record on it as double-tapping on a track brings up the Track Tools button, which doesn't have any buttons for recording on that track.
Can anyone tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, or am I just not understanding how the app records material? Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


By Mike Taylor on Thursday, October 11, 2018 - 07:45

Another great update. Here is the Ferrite info.
Version 2.0.
Welcome to Ferrite 2!
New features for Ferrite 2 Pro customers:
• Customisable 8-band equaliser and spectrum visualiser
• Project Templates to quickly create new episodes
• Import audio files that have more than two channels, and select the channels to use, or split them into separate files
• Prepare your audio for production with auto levelling and noise reduction
• MP3 Chapters can be hidden from the table of contents
• Exporting projects as video now includes chapter art
• Presets can be created for chapters, and for Audio Unit Extensions (where compatible)
• Presets can be moved, renamed and stored on your device, inside Templates, or synced via iCloud
• Set suggested export filenames for projects
New and improved features for all users:
• Updated UI
• Sort the Library by name, creation date, modification date or duration
• Additional keyboard shortcuts and menu navigation
• Streamlined VoiceOver accessibility
• Performance, user-experience and reliability updates

By Krister Ekstrom on Thursday, October 11, 2018 - 07:45

Presition editing is still not possible wit Voiceover. There's still no scrubbing so you can't select neither start nor end unless you have very fast reaction and can stop immediately as you play a file and split the file into smaller clips. Editing out coughs, clicks and pops, - forget it.
The search for a good audio editor continues. One candidate is Hindenburg Field recorder, it has excelent precition cuing, but you have to tap on the actual play head to get menus for editing, cutting, fading etc. Too bad because that would by far have been the best editor available. Oh well, shrug.

By Firefly on Friday, September 11, 2020 - 07:45

So I ran across this app entry last week, while looking for something else. The app sounded amazing right from the get-go, so I downloaded it, and I read through the manual, I purchased it yesterday, and I love it I love the level of control it gives me when editing a project, I also love the fact that when I split piles apart, they seem to still be in some sort of chain that I can follow so I don’t get confused about which file belongs to wear? I am starting the second season of my podcast, and I was able to use it this app to start work on the first episode of season two today. A huge thank you goes out to the developer for all their hard work. I do have a question though, when I click on the finalize button, does that mean that my material is no longer a project? Any other hints that anyone can give me on just being more efficient with this app would be great!

By KE8UPE on Thursday, August 11, 2022 - 07:45

I don’t have a QWERTY keyboard for my Farely new M1 iPad Pro, as I prefer to use Braille screen input.
I also have a Focus 40 5th generation Braille display which I also use.
This app entry mentions keyboard support, but nothing about Braille displays.
Has anyone tested this?
Also, I saw in the comments above, that precise editing was not possible, due to a voiceover bug.
I’m curious to know if this issue has been corrected?

By mcox on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:45

I am aware of the lightning and USb limitations in iOS.
Is this Software or hardware related?
What about a 4-in-1 USB-C hub? and send for example Shure MV88+ configured to record in raw mid-side and a metre away sonic presence omnie's Head-warn recorded into a seperat stereo track?
all in one Ferite project?
Thank you.

By Igna Triay on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:45

I don't know if that would work. You would have to try it and find out for yourself, although the problem I can see with this would be that the usb hub isn't a interface or other hardware that's meant for this type of thing, I.e, recording, so it might happen that you won't be able to control the microphones volume, assuming that ferite recognises the microphones connected via the usb hub in the first place. Your going to have to test it out and see if it works.