What are your favorite Choice of Games to play

By Gus Pacleb, 28 September, 2015

iOS and iPadOS Gaming

Hello everyone,
As the subject states, I'm wondering what your favorite games made by choice of games that you would recommend. There's so many titles in the AppStore that I need some recommendations of everyone's favorite.
What games Would you recommend ?



By Missy Hoppe on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 - 23:33

This is a tough question! There are so many great stories! A lot depends on what you're interested in, of course, but if I had to pick only a few favorites, I'd go with the hero trilogy, life of a wizard, choice of Robots, slammed and psy high. That's not to say that other games are bad, but I think that on the whole, those are my favorites. Even though I've played them all the way through multiple times, I occasionally feel the urge to revisit them and make different choices. I wish that Apple would fix the issue with radio buttons where it doesn't accurately give the number of choices, but at this point, I've just gotten used to it always saying "one of one" Anyway, I hope you're able to find some games you enjoy; I, personally, buy every single titel that Choice of Games releases.

By Gus Pacleb on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 - 23:33

Hey Missy Hoppe
Thanks for the suggestions. I will definitely check out the games you've listed above.
I am looking for games that don't have the death/zombie/vampire themes as well as anything horor and monster related in them.
Hope this can help narrow down some of the choices.
Again, thanks for your help! :-)

Ahoy there
I have bought and played almost all COG and HG titles that have been released uptil now and out of all of them excluding the zombie/vampire thiems (Zombie excidus is awesome btw) here are the titles that I would pick as the best out of all that I've played
Sabres of infinity: this game's author is one of the best ones out there. Try anything by him and you won't go wrong. Each and every title by him will make you feel like you got your moneys worth,and then some.
Tin star: this is also fantastic and quite huge,so don't plan on finishing this in one sitting or at least make sure you have loads of time. :d. Well written and your choices do matter which makes it really awesome. This is not to say that sabres of infinity is small not by any means but tin star is the longest COG/HG I've ever played.
Mecha aice: by the author of sabres of infinity, enough said.
Choice of robots: this one I haven't been able to finish fully because of exams and stuff,but what I've tried has been really good.
A wise use of time: just recently released and also mentioned in the guardian. this is another one of those authors who can really write,and write well.

those I would say are my top 5 favourites I would get ZE in there but sinse you didn't want zombie thiemed games so yeah.
Slammed, samurai of Hyuga first in a trilogy,Way Walkers University 1 and 2,choice of the star captain,life of a wizard and life of a mobster,Psy high are some of the others I'd highly recommend

By jrjolley (not verified) on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 - 23:33

In reply to by falcon wings

I'd agree with that list, especially Tin Star. The writer of "A Wise Use Of Time" is the Zombie exodus guy I think. I liked choice of robots myself, there's a lot of endings to that one. Life of a Mobster is good as well. I did like the shadow horror for what it attempted to implement. Double/cross isn't bad as it goes, though it's seems a bit slow to me to get interested in it.

By Gus Pacleb on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 - 23:33

Hello everyone,
Thanks for all the wonderful games listed. I will definitely look at slammed, the heroes trilogy, and tin star , as well as the other games you have listed.
If you have any more games you would recommend, feel free to comment.

By Zaina on Tuesday, December 29, 2015 - 23:33

Zombie exodus is my favorite so far! The author is brilliant.
I have also tried Broadsides, its a good one.