Ibooks and voiceover

By Fredrik Andersson, 30 October, 2015

iOS and iPadOS

I have tested Ibooks in ios 9 but don't find it accessible. Has anyone tips on an accessible ibooks reader or tips how to use the reader that is in Ios 9?



By Melissa on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 - 23:10

I've 9.1 and use iBooks a lot--just this afternoon. I read both a PDF and an ebook. What are you doing or trying when you go to use it?

By Fredrik Andersson on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 - 23:10

I have tried to read the Ios 9 user guide. Is any settings to change so ibbooks is more accessible with vo or is any gestures I shall use?

By Melissa on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 - 23:10

Can you tell me what all you are doing to read the manual?
Are you in the library, have you selected the book? When you open iBooks is the book the first thing you hear when you open it?
Not sure how else to help, so this is what I do.
I tap into the library and select all books--it shows me PDFs along with the eBooks and audible books I have--and have it set to list view. Then I can swipe through my list and I double tap and select the book I want. After it loads I here:
Library, table of contents, appearance, search, page bookmark--I don't know how to use this feature yet--and one more swipe takes you to the book's title and there you can two finger finger drag down to start reading.
You can also do a three finger swipe to the left to go back or to the right to go forward. If you hit the title and swipe some more you will hear:
page # 753 of 810 pages, then how many pages are left in the chapter--it tells me that there are 11 pages left in that chapter--then the next swipe tells me page chooser and allows me to adjust it to go back and forth etc.
I hope that helps and makes sense. If not explain some more on what you are doing and what you hear. I'm not an expert, but I will help where I can.
Sorry for the delay ... busy day.

By Fredrik Andersson on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 - 23:10

Thanks, it will be more helpfull.

By Luke on Friday, December 18, 2015 - 23:10

Hey Melissa,
If you double tap the page bookmark button it saves that page number to the bookmarks for that book. You can access saved bookmarks from the table of contents screen.

By Luke on Friday, December 18, 2015 - 23:10

Melissa covered the navigation nicely. Unfortunately that's about the extent of VO navigation supported in iBooks. You'll notice your roter navigation options within a book are limited to simply character and word -- no line or heading settings are present, bafflingly. I also noticed the addition of a new and incredibly useful roter option in iOS 9.1, text selection. This setting makes it very easy to highlight text for editing, copying, etc. Sadly, this option is also inexplicably missing from the roter when in iBooks. I've contacted Apple accessibility and they are looking into these issues so hopefully our iBooks experience will improve soon.