Moving a document to icloud

By Riley, 26 July, 2012

macOS and Mac Apps
Hi everyone, I've got Mountain Lion on my Mac and I need to know if anyone knows how I can move a document on my Mac to iCloud so I can work on it with my phone?



By Bryan Jones on Saturday, July 28, 2012 - 07:30

Hello Riley, You don't mention which doc type or Application you're working with, but I think if you're using Pages, Numbers, Keynote, TextEdit or Preview, you will find a new "Move To..." item in the File Menu for each of those Applications. This "Move To..." menu item will present you with a dialog box where you can pull down a list of possible locations, one of which is iCloud. Another new option within these Mac applications is the addition of an "iCloud" element in some of the file management dialog boxes, such as the dialog box used to "Open" an existing document. In these dialogs you'll now find two elements labeled "iCloud" and "On My Mac." On my system, these two elements are incorrectly reported as checkboxes, when in fact they actually behave as Radio Buttons or Tabs. If you select one of them, the other is automatically deselected. Aside from this bit of possible mislabeling, they behave as one might expect, allowing you to navigate through the files in your Mac's local file system or the files you've stored in iCloud. Note that this all assumes you've upgraded to Mountain Lion and the latest Applications you are planning to use with iCloud, and that those applications support iCloud document syncing. Updates to make the iWork suite compatible with iCloud were released at the same time as ML, at least here in the U.S.. This also assumes you've enabled iCloud and ticked the checkbox for iCloud's "Documents and Data" service on your Mac, which can be done through the iCloud Preference Pane in System Preferences. HTH, Bryan

By Riley on Saturday, July 28, 2012 - 07:30

Hi Bryan, Thank you for your help. I found the option in the file menue, and it works great. Now I can put a document in the cloud and pull it up on my phone. Thanks again. :)
Hi. I had no problems with moving a document to iCloud after installing mountain Lion. Tip, open the document you want to move first, select the document actions menu to the left of the main text of the document in here there is the move to iCloud and it moves it there. Then if you want to move it back to your Mac you should open the document in iCloud and repeat the same steps.

By David Woodbridge on Saturday, July 28, 2012 - 07:30

There may be a number of ways to get a document from the Mac on to an iOS device. At the moment I do it with Pages on both my Mac and iPhone/iPad. These are the steps I take: On the Mac: Open up the doc you want to transfer in Pages, Command+S (Save), choose iCloud from the Where pull-down, and then save. On iOS: Open up Pages, wait for it to update with the doc, and then start working on the document. Once you are working with the doc on either the Mac or iOS, it will just keep updating itself through iCloud. I noticed on my iPhone, to hurry the update up a bit, I changed the table document view from Date to Name sorting, and this seemed to refresh with my newly transferred document: not sure if this was just a coincidence.,
Thanks for the help and suggestions. Now if I can figure out how to open a document created in Text Edit, I'd be happy. My hope is to open a word, txt or rtf file on my phone created by Text Edit. I can't do it with Pages.

By David Woodbridge on Saturday, July 28, 2012 - 07:30

In reply to by Riley

An app I just posted to both the Mac and iOS app directories, does text files between iOS and Mac. Seems as though TextEdit has know equal on iOS, just from Mac to Mac via iCloud. Nice thing I like about iA Writer on the Mac is that it has a word count.