Still cant sync any music from itunes to my phone

By TamagotchiTune, 23 November, 2015


I posted this a few months ago. And I tried what was suggested and it didn't work. Now I'm wondering if i did something wrong? I still cant sync music to my phone using my computer and iTunes. No matter what I do. So frustrated. Any help will be apreciated.



By Toonhead on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 07:37

Hi. I know this is gonna seem really sort of repeticious, but could you write out, as best as you can, the steps you took when trying to sync music to your phone? Also, knowing if you have a mac or windows would be helpful too, since I'm certain that the instructions are slightly different depending on which one you're using. If you can give us an idea of what you're doing, maybe one of us can tell what's going on and suggest a fix.

By TamagotchiTune on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 07:37

I'm using a windows computer using Jaws and the newest itunes. I have my settings on iTunes to automatically sync when my phone is plugged in. And I tried turning the iCloud library off then syncing and turning it back on. Hope that makes since.

By Roxann Pollard on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 07:37

If you turned off iCloud before syncing on only one of the two devices, i.e., just the iDevice, this is not sufficient. Be sure that both the PC and the iDevice iCloud has been disabled before syncing. I have found this works well for me.


By The Tiki Lab on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 07:37

Using iTunes on a PC is kind of like using a screwdriverto unlock a door. Sure it can work but it's kind of not easy...
Part of Windows attempt to make things faster is to recycle commonly used system files in a folder c:\windows\prefetch and you can actually safely delete everything in that folder. You can (and should) do the same with c:\windows\temp - in both cases you'll be asked to use admin permissions to delete the files and clicking Continue will grant it as long as your user profile has admin rights on the PC.
There is also a per user temp file which you can clear (and should regularly) by pressing the Windows Key and R at the same time. This brings up the Run window, now type "%temp%" without the quotes and delete everything in that folder.
In both of the temp directories mentioned you may need to skip some files that are in use, this is normal and fine BUT make sure iTunes is all closed before you delete this stuff.
Final note, if you've ever jailbroken a device your hosts file may need some fixing - there's a ton of tutorials out there on how to do it and I'd suggest doing a Google search on how exactly to fix that.

By david s on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 07:37


I had this issue too. Here are things you can try. For me, I think it’s a combination of these things that fixed it.

Turn off iCloud on both itunes and the device.
Check your iTunes library for duplicate songs or title. If you find duplicates, delete the duplicates.
If you copy music from a folder to itunes, make sure the folder does not get moved, deleted or renamed. Make sure sync music and sync all music are checked.

HTH and good luck.

By yesears on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 07:37

A lot of people have suggested turning off iCloud on both devices this is correct and does work. Also in the summary tab of the IOS device and this applies if you have a wifi network you need to check the sink over wifi button is checked on the windows computer. You also need to check that the sink all music or sink selected music is selected. You can sink all music assuming your iOS device has enough storage available. If you just want a selection of music it gets tricky. If you select the select some music option you get a list of play lists then albums then artists ok that may not be exact order they go in but basically you have to check the ones you want and uncheck the ones you don't want by interacting with the various tables using VO with shift and down arrow to stop interacting with tables. z with the tables and VO with shift and up arrow to stop the interaction,,

1. Connect computer and IOS device to power.
2. Connect IOS device to a usb port on computer.
3. Open iTunes on computer.
4. Check if IoS device is listed in the devices tab.

5. Turn off iCloud in both computer and IoS device
6. Go to the music section in the devices tab on the computer.
7. Check the sink all music button is checked.
8. Go to the summary tab of the device.

9. Go to the sink button. Here you should get a message only if you are making changes to the sink setting so hit apply and when you hear a sound from the computer the sink is complete.

Finally if you have a wifi network always ensure sink over wifi is checked in the summary section of the iOS device.

By TamagotchiTune on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 07:37

Ok so where do i find iCloud in iTunes so i can turn it off? I didnt see it in preferences.

By spiriteye on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 07:37

I understand that poststers on this topic seem to feel strongly that it is necessary to turn off ICloud in order to sync an IPhone with your Itunes media collection on a Windows PC. I also understand that the person having the sync problem is unclear as to how to turn off ICloud; indeed, they are guessing that there is a way to do this within Itunes for Windows. First, I have never seen any setting for disabling ICloud in Itunes. Further, let me guess that those giving the advice are suggesting that the ICloud desktop application should be disabled, and, further, that ICloud should be disabled on the IPhone you want to sync with. Let me first say that I have the ICloud for Windows desktop app running on my Windows 10 PC, and there is an icon for it in my system tray; if I wanted to disable it, it would simply be a matter of pressing the Windows key, typing the letters “ic” until ICloud desktop app appears in the search results, pressing Enter to open it, and then, in the ICloud main window, choosing the Sign out option.
Further, on my IPhone 5S, ICloud is enabled; were I to wish to disable it, this could be accomplished, again, by signing out, and this is the very last option on the IClud menu, and the ICloud menu is on the initial menu in the Settings app, and I’m running IOS version 9.1.
However, as I say, with ICloud enabled on both my IPhone and on my Windows 10 PC, I have absolutely no problem syncing my Itunes media library with my IPhone. It may be helpful to note that my Itunes media collection is stored locally in the Itunes media folder, which is, as is the default, a subfolder of my user account folder. Perhaps it is being suggested that storing a media collection on ICloud itself affects syncing performance. I cannot speak to this. Further, I would like to mention that I do not attempt to sync playlists, but, rather, I sync my entire media collection to my IPhone, and these settings, as mentioned by previous posters, are adjustable on the Summary tab. This Summary tab is found by tabbing to the IPhone button and pressing it, and, of course, this button is available only when the IPhone is connected to the Windows PC via the lightning cable, and, although I don’t do this, I’m sure the IPhone button would also appear were one to sync via wi-fi, and, again, I cannot speak to this, since I have no personal experience of this. . In short, with the setup I’ve described, I’m having no problems syncing with ICloud enabled, and, truly, I would certainly like to understand why previous posters are so adamant about the effect which ICloud is believed to have on the syncing process. I hope I have spoken to these matters with due respect and diligence. All the best.

By david s on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 07:37


To disable the icloud setting in Itunes, connect your IOS device to your PC. Wait a few minutes then keep tabbing until you hear your device name. Hit enter then you’ll end up on the summary of your device. Keep tabbing until you hear the section to back up or restore. You want to select this computer and not iCloud. You will also need to select encrypt backup so your passwords will be saved.

For the person asking why iCloud should be disabled when it works fine for them. It’s great that the default values work for you. But for some folks, the default values won’t work. With the different devices, IOS versions, apps, settings and various accessories, anything can happen. So we troubleshoot and hopefully figure out what the issue is. BTW, the iCloud control panel does not control all aspects of the iCloud. There is no settings in there for music. If you have backup set to iCloud, and your control panel is disabled, your music will still backup to the icloud.

HTH and good luck.

By Mandy on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 07:37

Hi I manage to sinc my music fine but I have over 8000 songs on my computer and 1330 on my phone. Obviously I don't want to sinc my whole library. I am using Windows 7 and I have an Iphone 5S. My problem is that sometimes I want to delete some songs that I'm tired of on the phone but as soon as I back up the phone they reappear and it is really irritating. How do I remove them from the phone permanently but not from my computer