Anyone have any ideas for apps to help you create a simple grocery list?

By Melissa Roe, 23 July, 2012

iOS and iPadOS
Hello, I have been looking for an app that will allow me to create simple grocery lists for when I go to the market. List recorder is an awesome app, but I want something that's gonna be quick. List recorder is great for making a to-do list, but what if I want to jot something down without having to add each individual item, and then give it an item title, then done. It just seems too much of a hassle if i just want to write things and then be able to check off groceries as I'm in the market shopping. Does anyone have any ideas on apps that would be great for this task? I've yet to find one as easy to use as list recorder, but as I've said, I want something where I can just jot down items with my bluetooth keyboard without having to keep adding each individual item. For this reason I've been using braille lists, but an IPhone would make it much more convenient. This way, I can just simply check off, or remove things from the list as I go. Any suggestions are welcome, and I appreciate your help. Thank you so much. Take care, and god bless, Melissa



By cat_lover on Saturday, August 11, 2012 - 07:52

I personally like the free app ToBuyList, but if you don't want to have to put in each item and things, why not just use the Notes app? You can open a new note, type in whatever you want to buy with each item on a separate line, and then just place an X or something at the beginning of each line once you've gotten that item? Good luck!

By Cliff on Saturday, August 11, 2012 - 07:52

Try ShopShop Shoping list. It is by Nikolaj Schumacher. You can add items to the list, sort them in different ways and double-tap the item to check it. You can have it speak the number of items on the home screen or which ever screen the app is on. If you want, you can have several lists, but it is not necessary.
Love this app. I also downloaded Weekly, another app written by the same group, for sales at department stores and other specialty stores. At first glance, it doesn't appear to be as accessible, especially in the advertisements themselves. But, Grocery Pal is a winner as far as I am concerned.

By Kellie Hickman on Saturday, August 11, 2012 - 07:52

I tried Shop Shop. Very friendly with Voice Over. Nice recommendation.

By Sean Kelly on Saturday, August 11, 2012 - 07:52

While it isn't strictly a grocery app, I use Evernote. I keep a single Evernote document that is my grocery list. I then add/remove stuff from it as needed. This may not be the easiest solution, but I do it because I essentially live in Evernote now.

By Bill Freeman on Saturday, August 11, 2012 - 07:52

Hi there, If you're a big evernote user, just wondering if you've found an easy way to open up the body of a note for editing using voiceover?

By pammyj55kc on Sunday, November 11, 2012 - 07:52

The app I use is titled simple grocery list. It is accessible, & will allow you to do all of what you asked. You can remove items as you shop, make a list within the app as you run out of something & save it. It is very simple to use. If memory serves me correctly, it is free. There are ad ons you can get that will affect your backgrounds for seasons or holidays, however, for the basic usability of the app, they are not needed. Go to the app store, look for Simple grocery list. Let me know what you think.

By Walei on Sunday, November 11, 2012 - 07:52

I personally use the Reminders app that comes pre-installed on iOS. You can create a shopping list. It works pretty nicely because when you're adding an item you can just press return to add a new item. Each item has a checkbox next to it so you can check it off when you buy it. Additionally, the reason why I love it so much is because it works with Siri. I can just tell Siri to add rice to shopping reminders and it will do so. You can also tell Siri to view your shopping list where you can just check off the things you bought. Let me know if you want instruction on how to create a new list.
Is seary works good with the reminders. Do you know if Vokul does too? I only have an Iphone 4.

By Walei on Sunday, November 11, 2012 - 07:52

In reply to by Michael

I'm not sure. You should try and let us know...

By Michelle Odom on Wednesday, December 11, 2013 - 07:52

Well, more specifically, How do you add to one? I see it in the menu and I create the note title But say you want to make a whole list of things to check or uncheck? I mean who doesn't like to check things off as they get done? I was thinking about household chores, as I'm terribly absent minded. Laundry, vacuum, dishes, stuff like that. I don't know how to add checkboxes to my notes and I don't see a button for lists. I like evernote but really haven't gotten the hang of it yet. Also, I was wondering how do I edit the title of a notebook? I pressed the edit button but it didn't seem to work. Currently it says 2michelle's notebook Something like that.. Even though my life is messy and chaotic, I like for the things in my computer to be neat and organized. And now my computer is mostly my iphone. Any help woul be appreciated.

By Melissa Roe on Wednesday, December 11, 2013 - 07:52

Hello, I ended up using shopshop, about over a year ago, as this was about the time the forum was posted. I really like the idea of shaking the phone to clear items from the list after you've checked them, and I like that it keeps a memory of the items you put it, so you don't have to get them again. I love the item counter, and it's just a wonderful app all the way around. Thanks for the recommendation! As for making a reminders list, that would be interesting to learn for a couple reasons. I like to go to meetings with an agenda in hand, since I'm a president of a local chapter of CCB. I'd like to learn how to make lists in the reminders app so I can also show my clients who work on IPads. I think it will be beneficial for everyone. Thanks a million! God Bless, and happy shopping during this holiday season!

By Explorer on Saturday, October 11, 2014 - 07:52

I know this post is old but I just came across it. I use grocery Iq. You can enter items but the feature I like most is that you can speak a string of items and they can be added or rejected one at a time. They are also categorized and have checkboxes next to each one. You can also make multiple lists.

By KE7ZUM on Saturday, October 11, 2014 - 07:52

I personally use the reminders app, one item per reminder then I check off what I already bought. It's dirty and not element but it comes with iOS and works.


How do you make the list so you get the checkboxes? I am also using Reminders for shoppinglist but I haven't got that feature.

By KE7ZUM on Saturday, October 11, 2014 - 07:52

1 item per reminder is all. for example have one remidner that says


and anotehr that says milk and stuff.

then have a reminder list for each grosery store. it work. Like I said it's not fancy or pretty but it does work. and the best thing is if you are on a mac it wifll all synch to icloud to your phone so you can just go after you are done making your lists.

Have fun.

By Roxann Pollard on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:52

Hello Explorer. You recommended the Grocery IQ app on this thread. I Just started using the Grocery IQ app but have a couple of questions.

1. Can you explain how to recategorize a newly added item. My sighted friend can see that the item went to the Other category but I prefer the item to be added to the Paper Products isle, instead. I have tried flicking up/down on the item and see either Activate or Delete. When double tapping on Activate, it doesn't appear that the edit function has been triggered.

2. When viewing my grocery list, I cannot see which isle the item is located in, but my sighted friend can see the isle designations. Perhaps this is just not available to VoiceOver users?

Any suggestions are appreciated.