Renaming files in Pages

By aeroblade, 7 November, 2011

iOS and iPadOS
While Pages appears to be mostly accessible, there seems to be one issue that I cannot seem to get around. One a new file is begun, there appears to be no way to rename the file while VoiceOver is turned on. Is ther a work-around for this?



By Juan Avila on Saturday, July 28, 2012 - 07:22

I believe u have to enable the label element on voice over. This is done by double tapping with two fingers and holding your two fingers after the second two finger tap. I believe you must do this where the name of the file appears. This labeling element can be used anywhere on the iPhone. I hope this helps.
After double tapping with two fingers and holding your fingers on the screen, you will hear a weird iPhone voiceover sound. This will indicate that you will label a new element and present you with a on-screen keyboard. This will allow you to type in the new label for the element that you want to type.

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Saturday, July 28, 2012 - 07:22

If you rename a file by simply renaming the element, it is only going to cause you problems. It doesn't change the name of the file, rather it just changes what voiceover tells you the file's name is. I've found a workaround for this particular problem, though. Be warned, it's kind of a pain, but here goes. You'll want to have tripple click home enabled for this to work. Basically the app requires you to swipe to the right on a file name when you want to rename it. Find the file with your finger, lift your finger off the screen, remembering where the file is located. It's best just to raise your finger just a little bit and keep it right above the file name. Tripple click home to turn off voiceover and touch the file name and swipe to the right. This will bring up an edit field so you can rename the file. You'll know it worked if you press the bottom of the screen where the keyboard is and hear a click to indicate that you've typed a letter. Now just turn voiceover back on and type in the file name. It's not a very elegant solution, I know, but this is the only way I've found to do this so far. If anybody knows of a better way please post. It would really help if there was a voiceover pass through gesture that would allow you to perform the swipe on the file name while v/o was still active. Hope this helps.

By John Gassman on Saturday, July 28, 2012 - 07:22

I've tried the renaming element recently introduced. But, it saves the new name correctly the first time, if I come back later the file or folder is back to the previous name. Has anyone else experienced this weird situation?