What happened to YouTube?

By Unregistered User (not verified), 5 October, 2015

iOS and iPadOS

Hi. So I opened the YouTube app a few minutes ago, and suddenly, they changed the layout of the YouTube app. And, worst of all, it is not accessible. There is unlabeled buttons. I never gotten a update from the app store for YouTube. This app is used for my entertainment and to watch videos. Now, it is a app that needs a lot of accessibility improvements. What is going on with this YouTube app?



By Serena on Sunday, October 11, 2015 - 07:44

Not completely sure what you mean. I just loaded the app up myself, and it seems to be functioning exactly as it always has done. At least since the last interface update.

By Toonhead on Sunday, October 11, 2015 - 07:44

I just looked, and I wouldn't exactly say the app is inaccessible, because if that was the case, I wouldn't be able to access a couple videos in my subscriptions list. I was able to do that successfully. I will say that the app's interface could be a tad easier to use, kind of like the one found in the Youplayer app. That's my favorite youtube app. So no, it's not completely inaccessible, not in the least.

By Holger Fiallo on Sunday, October 11, 2015 - 07:44

As right now I do nnot see any issue with youtube. I have recent app, using iOS 9.0.2 and iPhone 6.

By a12608 (not verified) on Sunday, October 11, 2015 - 07:44

When I access the subscriptions, it always says button, button, button, and so on, when I scroll through the list of subscriptions.

By Betsy on Sunday, October 11, 2015 - 07:44

I will often upload a video to Youtube and then will get an email message that the video is now on Youtube. I click the link in the message that takes me to the video in the Youtube app. Now if Voiceover is on I can not use any of the controls along the top. For instance pause and collapse, or add to, etc. as I tap each icon Voiceover says "dimmed" and nothing happens. In fact Voiceover says "dimmed" and nothing happens no matter what I tap in the app. Oddly this behavior is only when going to the app from the emailed link saying my video is now on Youtube. If I close the app from the app switcher then relaunch it all works normally. This failure to work with Voiceover started about a week ago.

By Toonhead on Sunday, October 11, 2015 - 07:44

I'm not sure why it acts in this way, but if you know that closing and re-opening the app works fine I would just go ahead and do that. It might be a couple extra steps, but it's worth doing since you know the app works when you close and re-open it. In fact, I just updated to the latest version of the youtube app, and all seems fine here. I'm able to access pretty much everything I need to.

By Troy on Sunday, October 11, 2015 - 07:44

I just downloaded the latest version and it looks fine to me

By a12608 (not verified) on Sunday, October 11, 2015 - 07:44

I updated the app. Works fine now.

By Betsy on Sunday, October 11, 2015 - 07:44

Okay will update. Thanks all.

By Anthony on Sunday, October 11, 2015 - 07:44

I also just updated the app and it works fine like it used to before they broke it it is a girl different layout wise but it works like it used to before they broke it I meant it is a little different in layout was is what I meant But you can see comments and I collect again and you can see past the second page of videos now again we are doing videos were your main one video I meant suggested videos where your main one is that you're really even go past where it says second page or more now again and you can add a comment and see comments again

By ThoroTester on Thursday, February 11, 2016 - 07:44

Another example of why I dislike updating apps that work, this new interface is a step backwards in accessibility. Although the "create playlist" options now work, the "like/dislike" buttons have disappeared, and the interface has become uglier to use. I am finding newer apps are making the mistake of listing the duration time for media before the actual title, and this is indeed the case for search results in this update for Youtube. also gone is the flat, non nested menu options. My sincere plea to app developers is to perform some regression testing with voice over before releasing.

By Wayne Scott Jr on Thursday, February 11, 2016 - 07:44

I am thinking of creating a Youtube account. I use the Youplayer app and sometimes the Youtube app. The youplayer app is more accessible to me. But, how do you create a Youtube account?

By Southpaw on Thursday, February 11, 2016 - 07:44

In reply to by kevinchao89

While I do have mild success with the YouTube app I prefer YouPlayer since I can manage subscriptions, likes, and favorites much easier that way. YouPlayer has always left me smiling and satisfied while YouTube usually leaves me wanting more.
Just one humble opinion.