Whatsapp web

By burak, 20 August, 2015

iOS and iPadOS

Hi, how do I scan the code to the phone? Tried holding the camera to the screen and moving it but didn't work.



By Niall Gallagher on Tuesday, August 25, 2015 - 13:18


I have just scammed the code, but I had sighted assistance while doing so.
If you imagine your screen is divided into quarters horizontally, the code is located in the 2nd quarter from the left.

The accessibility of What's App Web isn't great, nothing compared to the iOS app.

Kind regards,


By Doug Greene on Tuesday, August 25, 2015 - 13:18

You say, imagine your screen is divided into quaters horizontally. But then you say, it is in the second from the left. but wouldn't that be, divided into quarters vertically? And which screen do you mean, the PC screen? and how close in general should the Iphone be to the screen? and what happens if the phone scans the code? Is there a noise, a message, a beep, etc?

By Ana on Sunday, October 25, 2015 - 13:18

It worked for me when I palced the camera at the distance of the space bar on my keyboard. Can´t recall any beep. Sorry i can´t be of more help.

By Siobhan on Sunday, October 25, 2015 - 13:18

Hi. All I can say si hold the phone about as far as you would if you wanted to scan in an itunes card. So a tood foot or so. also make sure your screen is tipped back, so you know there's light on it. Then take your phone, start moving it around waiting, when you get the code it vibrates. Hope that helps.

By Saqib on Sunday, October 25, 2015 - 13:18

I can scan without a problem but the only problem is that my screenreader cannot open up conversations in Google Chrome. I've tried NVDA and no luck.

By Ana on Sunday, October 25, 2015 - 13:18

Hello everyone,

This is just a quick note to let you all know that we now have a WhatsApp group for English speakers who wish to exchange ideas, suggestions, and ask questions about F123 Access.

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