So, I knowticed this a while back and have been just dealing with it but it'd be awesome if it's not a bug...just something I'm doing wrong.
When I'm texting someone and misspell a word autocorrect will suggest corrections and it'll say swipe up to cancel the suggestion. however, if I swipe up, nothing happens. So, my question is: how do I cancel correction that IOS suggests when inputting text?
Also, I just went back and checked, it actually doesn't tell me to swipe up anymore...I thought it did because that's how I used to cancel the corrections, maybe there's another way now?
There is a list of correction
There is a list of correction possibilities including the one first suggested right above the touch keyboard. One of the "corrections" shown is to use what you've typed as-is. Double-tap on that one.
Ok, thanks a bunch! It sucks that there's not a simple gesture to do it anymore but c'est la vie!