Fixing Silent Facebook Notifications on iOS

By Niall Gallagher, 5 September, 2015

iOS and iPadOS

Hi All,

I have just solved a problem regarding Facebook notifications on iOS that has been annoying me for a long time.

Normally, I would receive a notification from Facebook on my iPhone about a comment or mention, but the notification would not have any accompanying sound. This was relatively ok as VoiceOver always alerted me that there was a new notification, but it was a little annoying for me at least. 

I think I have found a resolution for the issue I described, and it has worked on my iPhone and another member of my family’s iOS device. 

In a nutshell, to resolve the silent Facebook notifications you have to turn on all notifications in the Facebook app itself.  This includes, application invites, friend requests, mentions, comments, tags, pokes, etc. 

To do this: 

  1. Open your Facebook app on your iOS device. 
  2. Double tap the More tab at the bottom right of the screen. 
  3. Scroll the page down, or keep flicking until you get to the Settings options in the left side menu, and double tap. 
  4. On the dialogue that pops up Double tap account settings, and while in Settings, you need to double tap on notifications and then double tap on mobile. 
  5. VoiceOver should now read a series of check boxes, and for there to be sound, these all need to be checked.
  6. Additionally, you need to Double tap the Edit link towards the top right of the screen with all the check boxes.
  7. VoiceOver should then focus on two new check boxes which are all notifications and only important notifications.
  8. Choose all notifications and Double tap the Back button towards the top left of the screen. 
  9. When you have made the required changes, there is no Done button, just a Back button which will bring you to the previous screen. 
  10. Double tap Mobile again, and now the push notification should be set to all notifications instead of only important.
  11. Keep double tapping Back until you get to the left side menu again, and go about your Facebook business as normal.
  12. Hopefully, the next time you receive a notification from Facebook, it will have the standard sound to accompany it.

Please Note: 

You may need to wait a few minutes for the settings to take effect. 

this change seems to be applied on all your mobile devices running Facebook, as I have an iPod Touch and it made a noise when a notification came through, and it never done this before I changed the settings. 

I hope the results I have achieved can be replicated for you, and if this is old news, apologies for re-posting something that is already common knowledge. 

Kind regards, 




By Nina on Monday, September 28, 2015 - 07:35

Thanks for the post. I was wondering how to get those notification sounds back. Now my question is, I was able to check all boxes except one. It was friends near me or something like that. That checkbox continued to be unchecked even though I tried to check it. Do you think the notification sounds will come through anyway?

By Nina on Monday, September 28, 2015 - 07:35

<p>Hi, ignore my last comment. I got a notification and it worked. There is sound now. Thanks</p>

By Niall Gallagher on Monday, September 28, 2015 - 07:35

Hi Nina,

Delighted it worked for you.
That last check box might not check if you have location services disabled or something like that.

Kind regards,
