creating and viewing lists in yurufukarou

By amyg90, 12 July, 2012

macOS and Mac Apps
hi all, i was wondering does anyone know how you create and view lists in yurufukarou? sorry if i haven't spelt that right. i follow so many people but just want to have a list of the most popular and see their tweets that way. amy



By Rachel Ramos on Saturday, July 28, 2012 - 01:48

Hi Amy, Creating lists isn't possible in Night Owl currently. However, you can create them using TweetList on an Apple device. You can view them though. Go to Night Owl's preferences with command+comma, and choose the toolbar,then the tab button. And vo+right arrow until you get to view lists tab, and check that box. then as you're command+right arrowing through your buffers, there'll be an empty table. vo+left arrow and you'll see something that says "select list pop up button." Open that with vo+space, and you can vo down arrow through the lists you've created, once you choose one, you can vo+right arrow to the table and it'll appear in your buffer order with home, dm's,mentions, and the twitter search buffer.

By Kevin Reeves on Saturday, July 28, 2012 - 01:48

Just wanted to let you guys know that you can indeed create lists in YoruFukurou, AKA Night Owl. Here's a small 3 part tutorial on Audio Boo that I posted yesterday. Enjoy
Is anyone else having a problem with viewing their lists in yourufiroo pardon the spelling. Once I get past like the 20th tweet, VO will read the name of the account then instead of reading the tweet I get this loud annoying chirp. Does this on all my lists. Any work around or setting to get it to load more of the tweets? Thanks

By Rachel Ramos on Thursday, March 28, 2013 - 01:48

You can try pressing command+option+H to hide others. Vo is only seeing part of the tweet, and then it's getting cut off. Also try the zoom button, that should fix the problem where it's only reading half the tweet. Since the new API 1.1, I've noticed upon launch, only 20 tweets load. If you keep the client open, all tweets will come in like normal, and you won't have the limit of 20. If you check the box as you add a list, this will present it in the Night Owl tab order, and you can press command+left/right arrow to move through the lists or buffers. Keeping the program open with your lists as tabs, will also have all the tweets coming in as normal. Hope that helps!

By blindgator on Thursday, March 28, 2013 - 01:48

In reply to by Rachel Ramos

Hey Rachel, Thank you very much for your help. Hitting command option H didn't fic the problem, but after that when I hit Zoom it did. I would love to have a few of my lists come up as tabs, but can't seem how to do this. I looked at preferences and tabs and didn't find anything, and went through the menus and drawers but still couldn't find how to do this. Is it possible to do this with lists that have already been created? I would assume so. If you do know, pleasee do let me know. Also do you use any kind of tweet marker service that might be accessible? I would love to be be able to make use of one that could remember where I left off between Yourufiroo and Tweet List on the iPhone. Tweet marker claims it does so but not sure how accessible it is. I used to get all my important Twitter accounts in RSS, but Twitter killed that option off on March 21. So it looks like I will be using Yourufiroo a lot more. Might actually have to learn how to spell it. Thanks again.

By Rachel Ramos on Thursday, March 28, 2013 - 01:48

Hello there! My apologies for not getting to this sooner! How you view lists in tabs, is you go to configure custom tabs in Night Owl, (command+P), and your lists will come up. If you already have lists open there, you'll be in a table of them, and they're already tabs. But to see or hide them in your tab order when you press command+left or right arrow to go through buffers, there's a checkbox. It won't say this is for tabs, but if you check it, then exit the dialogue, you'll see the list that you chose in the tab order. I'm sorry, but I don't use a service such as Tweet Marker to synchronize my place, so sadly, I can't help with that. Perhaps someone else would be willing to chime in! If you need anymore help, don't hesitate to write. Rachel

By blindgator on Sunday, April 28, 2013 - 01:48

In reply to by Rachel Ramos

Hey all, I like to read my entire blind tech feed as I don't want to miss anything, so I have a blind tech list. Well, unfortunately my computer had to restart and I was about 1600 tweets behind and can't figure out a way to get older tweets to load in Night Owl. Also does anyone know how these tweet marker/bookmarks work between using Night Owl on the mac and Tweet List and Twitterrfic on the iPhone. Is there a way to get them to remember where you left off in different lists and your timeline? If anyone has a link where I can learn more about this please do post it. Thanks
Hello: As far as I know of, it's not possible to load older tweets in Night owl. However, if you go to preferences (command+comma), and you go to the general window, (I believe this should be the default option), you can set how many tweets you want it to pull at launch. The Qube, qwitter, and any other clients like those, have code that stores older tweets, so that might be what you're expecting in night owl, and it works a little differently. *smile* Good luck!