using mac to downgrade iOS apps

By Jessica Brown, 29 August, 2015

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi. How do you use the mac to downgrade apps? I tried adapting the windows podcast to work on mac but mac and windows are just too different. Thank you.



By Usman on Sunday, September 20, 2015 - 19:05

the way I understand it is, if you have the previous version of the app stored locally, you can downgrade. I ended up doing this with pandora some time ago. I happen to have an earlier version of it stored on my mac and was able to roll back.

By MarkSarch on Sunday, September 20, 2015 - 19:05

As Usman mention above
you have the previous version of the app on your iTunes library and assume that you have deleted the app from the iOS device before to start the process.
Once iTunes been detected your iOS device after plug it using the USB cord select your iOs device from the list in case you have more devices
go to the somber table and interact with it
Stop interact with the table when find apps
go back once using VO left arrow
when VoiceOver announce scrobe area interact with it
on this menu voiceOver will announce details about your apps as how many apps have installed on the device and more use VO right arrow until find app table and interact with it
you can navigate from this table using down and up arrow select the app that you want to roll back just stop interact with the table I think twice and hit tab and just find for the sync or apply button and ready good lack.

By Jessica Brown on Sunday, September 20, 2015 - 19:05

Ok got the app downgraded and now all the data that was in it is gone

By Usman on Tuesday, October 20, 2015 - 19:05

Has the above steps listed changed? I can no longer simply stop interacting with the apps table and hit apply.