deleting using a braillenote apex

By treky fan, 27 August, 2015

Braille on Apple Products

I am using a braillenote apex, and I can't seem to delete something i've typed by pressing the backspace key on the braillenote. Using this particular device as a braille display, how do I delete something that I've typed in to an edit box?



By mehgcap on Monday, August 24, 2015 - 13:33

Yep, welcome to Humanware. The Apex has never been able to delete with the backspace key, for some reason. Use space-d instead, or press the two left-hand thumb keys together (the right two are enter). For enter, by the way, you can use space-e. You'll need to press the passthrough command first, though, or the space-e will be taken as an exit command. That passthrough command is enter-4-5-6. Note that my use of a BrailleNote ended over a year ago, so there may have been updates I don't know about.

By Sebby on Monday, August 24, 2015 - 13:33

Hi Alex. I'm curious what you've switched to. My Apex is still with me, but it has fallen so far down the usability ladder that it is for all practical purposes just a braille display for my iOS device.

By mehgcap on Monday, August 24, 2015 - 13:33

I don't use any display or notetaker. I'd love to have a display for the times speech just isn't practical, but the expense outweighs the occasional utility. For now, I use a Mac for heavy lifting, and braille screen input on iOS for most of my typing.

Were I forced to recommend a display, I'd suggest something from Hims (the Smart Beetle or the Edge). However, that's not based on any actual product use, so take it with a grain of salt. :)

By Sebby on Monday, August 24, 2015 - 13:33

I can understand that. Ta. I'll keep the Apex for the few things it's still handy for on short notice, and still have braille when I need it. I use it most extensively on iOS and in Linux, but never on OS X. Still, I think Humanware have let brailleNote users down quite badly of late. Disappointing.