ITunes reporting inaccurate info about IPhone?

By Troy, 17 August, 2015

iOS and iPadOS

Maybe I'm missing something here but I've always had an issue where it sounds as if the summary tab on ITunes is giving inaccurate info about my IPhone. Here's what I mean, In the summary tab on ITunes it always tells me I have a number amount of songs and photos on my IPhone when in fact the about on my actual phone says I have 0 songs, 0 videos, 0 photos which is correct I don't have any photos or songs on my phone at this time but ITunes has always said ever since I've used my IPhone with ITunes that it does. Anyone know why this is?
My summary tab on ITunes should say 0 for both songs and photos.



By david s on Thursday, August 20, 2015 - 19:43


Have you checked for deleted items on the iPhone? I read a while back of a similar situation where a person didn’t know why her photo shows a large amount of space being used when there was no photos on her phone. She checked her deleted items and they were there. Just a thought.

HTH and good luck.

By Troy on Thursday, August 20, 2015 - 19:43

In reply to by david s

Thanks, yes there's no photos or videos in the deleted folder. Also ITunes reports there's 2 songs but I don't have any songs on my phone.