Dear friends,
I've been following this interesting and helpful web site for a long time and I've just become a member what makes me very happy.
I would like to ask you a question in case someone can help me a little.
I changed my facebook password some days ago and, since then, I can connect to facebook by using Adium, when I try to access, the site of facebook appears asking me for my user name and pasword to let me use my account with Adium.
When I entered these data I'm required and clic the Connect button an error message appear on the display telling me that my browser needs cookies activate.
I activate the cookies and the same message keeps apearing.
I went to settings aplications in the facebook site and deleted Adium but the problem is the same, even I uninstall and install again Adium on my mac and the result was the same.
Could anybody help me solve this problem?
Thank you in advance and sorry if my English is not good enough.
Best regards.
By Rafa, 15 July, 2015
macOS and Mac Apps
Facebook Chat API Deprecated
While I'm not 100% sure that this is your issue, I do know that the Facebook Chat API...which allowed third-party clients to connect to the Facebook chat service...has been deprecated. How this affects Adium's Facebook integration I'm not exactly sure, but it's definitely a possible cause.
Facebook API
For a lot of people, the facebook chat API isn't working. I can't really help you with Adium itself, as I am not a mac user, but I can help you get through a roundabout way of accessing facebook chat. Most chat clients have an XMPP option. So, creat a new chat account, choose XMPP, set the server or domain to Enter your username and password. Your username is the username you chose to direct people to your facebook profile. Like a twitter username. For example, If you don't remember or don't have a facebook username, you can check the following page. That's it. I hope this helps out.
Thank you for your coments
Hi Lad and Jesus, I appreciate your comments and I'll try to do what Jesus suggest.
Take care my friends.