What are your “must have” iOS apps?

By Sunshine, 8 July, 2015

iOS and iPadOS

Hello, could you share your must install app on your idevices ?



By Holger Fiallo on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

blindsquare, youtube, find my iPhone, bard mobile, for news AP mobile, dropbox. Games, hangman. Money Reader, Lookout (similar to find my iPhone).

By KE7ZUM on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

For me it's around me, blind square, swarm, group text, facebook, bard mobile, waze, maps, transit, ES{N, weather, weather radio, good reads, ham Morris, workflow, file browser.

By charles on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

As you asked for a "must have app", singular not plural, I would say Weather Radio.

By kingdekka on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

Cipher sender, zello, youtube, urban dictionary, google translate, and Shazam. And as far as games go, grand theft auto San Andreas, trivia crack, adventure to fate battle arena, a dark room, and the ensign.

By kingdekka on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

Cipher sender, zello, youtube, urban dictionary, google translate, and Shazam. And as far as games go, grand theft auto San Andreas, trivia crack, adventure to fate battle arena, a dark room, and the ensign.

By Blake Oliver on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

Voicedream reader, iBooks, BARD Mobile, soundcloud, dropbox, Open VPN, Money Reader, Tap Tap See, VLC, Workflow, IPGMail...
And a few other jailbreak only ones like activator, haptic pro, Echo, OpenSSH, Biolockdown...
That's all I can think of for now :)

By Holger Fiallo on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

In reply to by kingdekka

grand theft auto San Andreas, is that accessible? How much?

By Ken Downey on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

I bought Vice City and it's not as playable on the phone as it is on the pc, so I'm wondering how you're playing San Andreas. Please fill us in!

By splyt on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

Now the admins could make a nice Must Have Apps in each one profile here so you can get someone you think is cool or who you personally think is a reference on VO and IOS usage and check their recomendations by clicking in their profiles.
This would be a great feature to allow novices or intermediate so to say users here to get info on what the super famous and head folks from AppleVis or just one or another / other guys they happen to like recomend at the moment.

By Toonhead on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

Bard mobile, Audible, Voice Dream Reader, Tunein Radio Pro, Oo Tunes, Weather Radio, Dice World, Radium, Swarm, Uber, Whats app messenger, Downcast, Youtube, and Google Search.

By DPinWI on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19


By Fluffymaster on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

Audio Speed The Inquisitor audio game adventure Karateka Nebula game and the Choice of games.
As you see I'm a huge gaming fan so let me know if there are new accessible games. I'm totally blind and I love to hear about accessible games.
Feel free to post your comments below!

splyt, unless I am misunderstanding you, what you describe is already in place.

When logged in, people can flag the apps that they recommend by using the link available on the app’s page in our App Directories.

A list of each person’s recommendations can be found on their profile page.

By Sunshine on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

In reply to by Holger Fiallo

I have installed youtube,dropbox

By Roxann Pollard on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

Many of the above mentioned apps also reside on my iPhone, but there is one not mentioned. If you are a runner or walker, if you love music, if you use music for a myriad of things such as cleaning house, taking a drive, etc., then I highly recommend RockMyRun. this is both a free and paid subscription service. The free version of the app will allow you access to any mix that is 45 minutes or less. Anything longer than that requires a monthly or annual subscription. They have live DJ's who put together playlists and are designed by genre, BPM, etc. I have found music for many things that goes far beyond my workouts themselves. Absolutely love this app.

By sockhopsinger on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

Voice Dream Reader, MBraille, Audio Defence Zombie Arena, and LiveTunes Concert Simulator.

By jcwissel on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

In reply to by Holger Fiallo

Blind square, Inote, Read to go, Tap Tap See, Bard mobile, Scanner Radio Pro, NFB newsline, I heart radio. I also utilize the dictate function.

By Tarbaby on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

5-0 Radio, trivia crack, blind square, TV go, newsify, YouTube,, downcast, any list, iNote.

By Ken Downey on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

MBraille, Youplayer, Bard Mobile, Learning Ally, Atomic Web, and just about every audio game that runs on iOS.

By eclectica on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

Here’s my top-10 list of must-have-apps. I’ve not included any of the standard built-in apps.
1. Downcast
2. Audible
3. BARD Mobile
4. Transit Times Plus
5. MoneyReader
6. Voice Dream Reader
7. KNFB Reader
8. Spotify
9. TweetList 4
10. Facebook

By kingdekka on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

I forgot xbox 1 smart glass. I know i know. But it's actually vary accessible.

By Feliciano Godoy on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

Twitterrific- Twitter
Voice dream reader- text to speech
DownCast- podcasts
Dark sky- weather
TextGrabber plus translator- OCR documents and translate on the fly
Dropbox- cloud storage service
Umano- Artcles read by humans
BlindSquare- look around GPS
Google maps- Walking and transit information
RedLaser- bbar code scanner
Taptapsee-identify OCR pictures
Rev voice recorder- great recorder that syncs to dropbox
SayPlay- dictate songs, presentations Etc and the app will playback with audio/video
Uber- private taxi service
Lyft- private taxi service
Food .com- recipes and sales
Fantasticao- remindersevents and calendar
Yelp- find business and restaurant reviews

This list should get you going.
Regards,Feliciano For tech tips and updates, LIKE www.facebook.com/theblindman12v Follow www.twitter.com/theblindman12v

By SSWFTW on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

Voice dream reader, Google search, Blind Square, Google maps.
Jailbreak tweaks, googiri, nownow, an insane amount of activator events, Haptic pro as mentioned above, and the tweak that lets you press the home button to answer a call

It is a way to manage your friends list on xbox live as well as check game achievements. You can also message, add and remove friends. It also works as a remote, but i hardly use that feature.

By brandon armstrong on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

for me, they would be uber, blind square, google maps, voice dream reader, dark sky, imap weather radio, money reader, KNFB reader, and my list keeps growing, but that's just a few of the most must have apps for me for right now.

By flcomputergeek on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:19

KNFB Reader
Dice World
forecast now
NFB Newsline
list recorder
I have several other games that I enjoy, primarily card and dice games.

By musicmyxstress on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 - 07:19

So, first you must understand that I am a serious app adict. I download things, if they're free, just to see if they're accessible. Second I'm a music addict. That said, if I was stranded in an internetless place with most of my phone wiped, I'd be fine if I just had Bard Mobile, Read2go, uber, Aurifi, and Noatikl. I'm always hungry for more generative music stuff, and to learn more about the stuff I already have.

By TheBlindDragon on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 - 07:19

Here are my favorite iOS apps
1 TapTapSee
2 Youtube
3 Zany Touch Free
4 Premium Video Poker
5 Premium Blackjack
6 BARD Mobile
7 Podcasts/Overcast where I listen to AppleVis Podcasts
8 Google Translate