Opinions sought on date of app updates and how this affects apps

By Greg Wocher, 16 June, 2015

iOS and iPadOS

Hello all,
I have been searching for a good app to keep track of my diabetes, such as my sugar levels and water intake. the one app I have found that is accessible and fairly easy to use has not been updated since 2013. Unfortunately out of all the ones I have tried it is the most usable. There are two versions of the app a paid and free. I am reluctant to purchase it because of its not being updated in so long. What are peoples thoughts on this subject? If the app works does it matter really how long it has been since an update? For information the apps in question is the Diabetes App light and Diabetes app.

Greg Wocher



By Zack on Thursday, June 25, 2015 - 05:11

It does matter when apps were last updated. 2013 isn't as bad as, say, 2011, and it will probably still work, but I have seen older apps which had trouble on newer iOS versions. I would look into other alternatives if at all possible, or at least stick with the free version. Unfortunately I don't have experience with diabetes apps myself, so can't suggest specific ones for you to look into.

By Chessie the Ra… on Thursday, June 25, 2015 - 05:11


I know this probably isn't the answer you're wanting, but...it all depends.

Generally, I won't download or pay money for something that hasn't been updated in over a year. At this time of year, with a new OS version on the horizon, I tend to judge an app by whether it has received support for the current-generation OS. An active Twitter account/support e-mail address and the availability of other accessible alternatives also both play a part in that decision.

In your situation, with no other accessible alternatives easily identified, I think a case could be made for purchasing the app if it does what you need it to do. In the end, if you can justify it to yourself and it meets your needs, that's all that matters.

By david s on Thursday, June 25, 2015 - 05:11

IF it does what you need it to do and it works, then don’t worry about the update.

A lot of people are so concerned about the app not being updated they lose site of what updates really are. Updates are meant to fix issues but if there are no issues, why is an update required? Then I’ve also seen updates that broke perfectly working apps.

If you’re really concerned about future compatibility, check with the developer before you update the OS on your device.

HTH and good luck.

By Greg Wocher on Thursday, June 25, 2015 - 05:11

I have sent the developer of the app an email asking them if they were going to update the app for iOS 9. The biggest thing that scares me is that if the app ends up not working here soon that is a lot of data I am going to lose. I need to test my blood sugars four times a day and that adds up over time. I also sent out an email to another app called Track3. It is mostly accessible except when trying to type in a value. When doing this a keypad comes up but none of the numbers are labled so all they say is button.

Greg Wocher

By Mike Freeman on Thursday, June 25, 2015 - 05:11

Greg et al:

First, let's step back and think a bit. No one can know/guarantee the future. Even if an app is accessible today, there's no guarantee that a future version will still be accessible or even compatible with a previous version. You are aware of this else you wouldn't be asking the question. But just because an app has been recently updated or the developer(s) has/have a history of keeping the app up-to-date, there's no guarantee that such activity will continue. Hence, worrying about the question, while understandable, is, in my view, an exercise in futility.

I say: if the app works and is accessible, buy it and use it.

the app I use is GlucoseRecorder. Among its options is one to export the database to a file. If you're truly worried about app database database compatability, you can just export the database and if the app developers don't keep up with iOS versions or a particular iOS version ruins the app's accessibility or whatever, at least you have the exported database to reenter the data in the new app you would presumably be using. All you are out is a bit of tedium and effort.

Mike Freeman, President, Diabetes Action Network, National Federation of the Blind

By Mike Freeman on Thursday, June 25, 2015 - 05:11

In reply to by Mike Freeman

One addendum: GlucoseRecorder keeps a copy of its database in iCloud. This way, when the iPhone is restored from backup, the first time the app is executed, it repopulates the database. This doesn't bother me as I don't give a rip who sees my numbers. However, HIPAA freaks might find this disturbing.

By david s on Thursday, June 25, 2015 - 05:11


Sorry for getting side tracked but since we are talking about diabetes…

I need to start checking my glucose level since I am at risk of diabetes. What glucosmeter do you folks use? I was looking at the talking Prodigy. Is there something easier to use?

Thanks for your help.

I use the Prodigy Voice meter. I find it to be one of the best talking test meters. The reason is that it speaks everything even during setup.

Greg Wocher