Can you change the sort order in the native OS X Mail application?

By Jennifer W., 29 April, 2015

macOS and Mac Apps

Hello All,

I am wondering if there is a way to set up the lists so that the un read e-mails are listed first, but they are listed from oldest new unread e-mail to newest unread r-mail?
I am on several of the NFB list serves and I get the e-mails as individual e-mails. I found that was easier to navigate than the digest format for me. However I am now having trouble reading the e-mails. As they put the ones that came in most recently first and that is confusing when trying to read other peoples responses before even reading the original e-mail.

Thank you for your help.



By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 - 07:36

To set the sort order in mail.
First go to the apple menu with vo m.
Then vo right arrow to the view menu.
Next use the up or down arrow keys to find the sort by submenu and then press vo space bar.
Next use the up or down arrow keys to find the unread option and then press vo space bar.
Then press vo m to go to the apple menu.
Then vo right arrow to the view menu.
Next use the up or down arrow keys to find the sort by submenu and then press vo spacebar.
Next use the up or down arrow keys to find the oldest message on top and then press vo space bar.
Try that and see if that works.