Syncing ringtones

By Blaque Diamond, 20 June, 2012

macOS and Mac Apps

<p>Hi I was wondering if anyone knows how to sinc ringtones to their I phone. My ringtones are in the tones section of itunes on my computer but they are not being sinced to my phone. I always check the box tones to sinc but it never works. There is another radio box that says sinc tones but it gives me a warning whenever I check it that everything will be deleted from my phone if I check the box so I unchecked it but it is still not sincing. What should&nbsp;I do?</p>



By MarkSarch on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 - 07:48

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By Blaque Diamond on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 - 07:48

In reply to by MarkSarch

I have done everything else but if I check the sinc tones box then everything on my phone will be deleted. I just want to sinc my ringtones. Is there another way to sinc without erasing anything else?

By Shersey on Friday, January 11, 2013 - 07:48

In reply to by Blaque Diamond

I really don't think it will delete all your stuff, as this same warning message appeared when I told iTunes to sync selected playlists to my phone. Make a backup first, though, just to be sure you can get everything back in case things go wrong. You should see two radio buttons somewhere under tones. This is either when you go to the tones category in the sources list or the tones category under your iPhone's name--I'm not sure which. Have a look around. Either way, you'll see two radio buttons, one labeled sync selected tones and the other labeled sync all tones. If you're like me, and you don't change tones on your phone too often, and only have a few on there, you'll want to check the "sync all tones" radio button. If you want to frequently change what tones are on your device, though, then check the "sync selected tones" radio button. I'm pretty sure this works the same way as sync selected playlists--in other words, after checking that radio button, you'll come across a list of your tones somewhere in the tab order, and you'll have to arrow down through that list, hitting space on each tone if you want it synced, checking that tones box. Then you should see an apply button. Press this button. iTunes will tell you that you have made changes and ask you if you'd like to apply them. I think the button you want to press here is called "apply," but don't quote me on that. Things should sync to your phone just fine after pressing this button. I hope this helps, Shersey

By MarkSarch on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 - 07:48

In reply to by Blaque Diamond

I have done everything else but if I check the sinc tones box then everything on my phone will be deleted. I just want to sinc my ringtones. Is there another way to sinc without erasing anything else? You are not going to delete anything from your IPhone. why? because well if you did sinc before, you can see all your information (ringtones, apps, books, etc) on your iPhone right. NOTE: on one of those boxes you will be able to select the tones that you want sync to your iPhone, its mean if you want to sync 5 ringtones from iTunes first you need to select the 5 ringtones before to sync, what happens if you change your mind later? and 1 of those 5 ringtones you don't want to have anymore on the iPhone, you can delete tones on iTunes from the PC,just unselect 1 of those ringtones before sync and after the sync process You will see 4 ringtones on the iPhone

By Deng on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 - 07:48

In reply to by MarkSarch

Well, I'm not sure about you guys, but when i do synk my ringtones, i do lose all other media on my iPhone. I figured that if you guys have the manually manage music and videos checkbox checked, then it will not let you synk ringtones. Lucky for me, i had all my songs saved on my computer, so when the ringtones did synk with my phone, i just went back in and rechecked the manually manage music and videos box, and put all my music back in to my iPhone. So, if you do have that checkbox checked, then prepare to lose all your songs. Sorry. I have found no solution to this at all. If i do find something, I will try to post it on this topic here.

By Eileen on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 - 07:48

Ringtones and music are synced separately via the radio buttons under the device. I just moved my itunes to a different pc and synced my ringtones right away. I didn't loose the music on my phone until I checked the sync musc check box under my iphone device.

By Blaque Diamond on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 - 07:48

In reply to by MarkSarch

I am sorry to say but if I do sinc my tones everything on my phone will be deleted. Whenever I check the "sinc tones" radio box the warning always says if I sinc my tones then everything on my phone will be deleted. I have never sinced tones to my phone before. Others that I know have had the same thing happen so I know it will happen. I have sinced my music to my phone only because I clicked the auto fill button and all of my music automatically sinced to my phone. Do anyone else know how to sinc tones?

Hi: sorry to hear that, right here have the manual how to sync tones read carefully and hope you helps it. Have nice Day. Download Ringtones Browse to find your favorites ringtones. Tip to browse ringtones • To listen to a ringtones tap it then choose "Preview ringtone". To download a ringtones to your iPhone/iPod/iPad tap it then choose "Download ringtone". Note: - Preview: you need wait some seconds to listen to a ringtones. - Download: all downloaded ringtones can be found at Ringtones tab of the app. You can't use them directly for your iPod/iPhone (no app can do that), you must use iTunes Application on your PC to sync them to your iPod/iPhone to use. Back to Help Index to see help of next step. Transfer ringtones to iTunes After downloading, all ringtones can be found at Ringtones tab. iPhone/iPod/iPad requires iTunes Sync to use downloaded ringtones on your iPhone/iPod/iPad. Before you set ringtones under Settings on your iPhone/iPod/iPad, please sync first. Transfer tones to iTunes library - Step 1: Connect your iPhone/iPod/iPad to iTunes on your PC, then you can see it under DEVICES. Choose it. - Step 2: Click Apps on the top of iTunes. - Step 3: Scroll down to the bottom of the Apps tab. - Step 4: Find & Click Ringtones 500.000+ app on the Apps list in the File Sharing section, then all ringtones show up in the Ringtones Documents section. - Step 5: Click the ringtone files and drag to your desktop and drop them. - Step 6: Drag ringtone files from the desktop to LIBRARY and drop them. Please don't skip this step, even though you sync manually. Or ringtones are not put into your iPhone/iPod/iPad. - Step 7: Click the Ringtones section under LIBRARY and check that the ringtones are properly in there. After these steps, the ringtones are added to iTunes library on your PC. Get confusing ? Check the FAQ. Transfer by email: In addition, you can transfer the downloaded ringtones via email to your iTunes library on your PC. - Step 1: Open Ringtones 500.000+ app on your iPhone. - Step 2: Find the ringtone you want to transfer to your PC. - Step 3: Press blue button at the right of the ringtone then select "Send via Email". - Step 4: Enter your email address then press Send button. - Step 5: On your PC, open your mail box then save the ringtone which is attached to the email to a folder on your PC (such as Desktop folder). Step 6: Drag tone files from the desktop to LIBRARY of iTunes and drop them. Please don't skip this step, even though you sync manually. Or ringtones are not put into your iPhone/iPod/iPad. - Step 7: Click the Ringtones section under LIBRARY and check that the ringtones are properly in there. After these steps, the tones are added to iTunes library. Back to Help Index to see how to sync ringtones from iTunes on your PC to your iPhone/iPod/iPad. Sync Ringtones to iPhone In the step, you will sync ringtones from iTunes library on your PC to your iPhone/iPod/iPad. 1. First, you need confirm your iTunes Sync option: - Step 1: Click the Summary tab on the top of your iTunes. - Step 2: Scroll down to the bottom of the Summary tab. - Step 3: Please make sure whether “Manually manage music and videos” is checked or not. Then please follow the instruction according to the option(Manually manage music and videos or Not). 2. If you manage music and videos manually: - Step 1: Select ringtones under LIBRARY. - Step 2: Drag them to DEVICES and drop them. Please move ringtones only from LIBRARY (not from desktop or other folders on your computer). - Step 3: Click the Ringtones folder under DEVICES and check out all ringtones are there. 3. If you don’t manage music and videos manually: - Step 1: Click the Ringtones tab on the top of your iTunes. - Step 2: Check a mark on Sync Ringtones. Many people miss this step. - Step 3: Click the Apply button, then the Sync button on the bottom right. FAQ Q1: Only 1 ringtone shows up on my iPhone. A1: If you put your ringtones from your desktop into DEVICE, you can see them in the Ringtones folder under DEVICES. HOWEVER, only one ringtone shows up on your iPhone. Click the Ringtones folder under the DEVICES, select ringtones which don’t appear on your iPhone, and delete them(by right click). Then move your ringtones from LIBRARY to DEVICE.. Q2: I manage music and videos manually. Can I put ringtones in DEVICES from my desktop(not from LIBRARY)?. A2: No. You should put ringtones in LIBRARY first, then move them to DEVICES. If you put your ringtones from your desktop, you can see them in the Ringtones folder under DEVICES. HOWEVER, only one ringtone shows up on your iPhone. Q3: I don’t manage music and videos manually. I synced but there’s no ringtone on my iPhone. A3: Please make sure that you mark a check on the Ringtones tab on your iTunes. Q4: What will happen if I change the option(Manually manage music and videos)? A4: It depends on the version of your iTunes. The recent version keeps most of the songs and videos on your phone. However, older versions delete all of them, so you should put music and videos into your iPhone again.. Q5: Is it possible to move ringtones in Ringtones 500.000+ to any computers, or should I do it on the iTunes which I mainly Sync to? A5: You can move ringtones to any computers with iTunes. Back to Help Index to see how to set default ringtone for your iPhone/iPod/iPad or set ringtone for each contact. Set Default Ringtones In the step, you will set the default ringtone on your iPod/iPhone/iPad. Note: You must upgrade to iOS 5 to customize text tone/new mail alert/calendar alert/..... 1. Open Settings application. - Step 2: Tap Sounds. - Step 3: Tap Ringtone, Text Tone or New voice mail, ... - Step 4: Select a custom ringtone. Sent from my iPhone

By Blaque Diamond on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 - 07:48

In reply to by MarkSarch

How do I drag and drop using j.a.w.s. 13? I am using a laptop and it does not have a num pad. The command to do this on a desktop is control+insert+num pad /. Is there a command for this with a laptop?

By Cherokee Eagle on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 - 07:48

Okay, here's what to do. It's a bit of work: go ahead and check the sync ringtones box. Then select the radio button to sync selected ringtones. Then, before hitting the actual sync button, go through the other tabs: summary, info, etc, making sure the things you want to be on your phone are still checked. Then you can hit the sync button. If data is erased, it will be replaced. The main thing is to make sure you tell it to sync selected ringtones, music, etc, rather than to sync everything. Unless you really want everything in ITunes synced to your phone. The sync ringtones box will stay checked accross reboots and as long as you don't change anything in that tab, you won't lose or gain tones. If you want to sync more tones, just go to the tab, and check each new ringtone. Unchecking old tones will erase them from your phone.

Thanks a lot. Your method worked without a problem. Nothing was deleted from my phone I think. At least my apps weren't. I think I had to resinc my music because all of them have the word copy in front of them. Is it supposed to have that?

By Cherokee Eagle on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 - 07:48

I don't think so. However, it would probably depend on a number of factors, such as whether or not you are subscribed to ITunes Match. But I cannot be sure since I am not on your computer. However, you should not have this problem again unless you need to restore your phone or you upgrade to a new one. Next time, just go through all the tabs and make sure everything you want on your phone is checked. Glad this helped.

By kimayharden on Thursday, April 11, 2013 - 07:48

What I had to do was in iTunes, use "Add File to Library" to add the m4r file. (under the file menu) This will place it in its own Tones library (if you didn't already have one). You then tick the tone you have just added. 
Then you can connect the iPhone, and there will be a specific sync tab for Tones where you can select what you added to the library and then sync it to your iPhone.

By Vicki Andrada on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - 07:48

This thread is way old, but it helped me so much! I guess iTunes was doing this way back 3 years ago. I was trying to add a ring tone given to me by a friend,and I got the same error talked about in this thread, but making sure all was selected to the new library iTunes said it created for some stupid reason, it worked fine, and I lost nothing on my phone! Thanks loads! Love this site! And I love google for helping me find this topic on here!

By Niall Gallagher on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - 07:48

Hi Blaque Diamond,

I am not aware of any other way to transfer tones to the iPhone other than what you are doing.
However, I would like to clarify that the only thing that should be deleted are the tones on your iPhone already which are not in iTunes at present.

This does not include the standard tones that come pre-installed on your iPhone.
If it was my iPhone I would ignore the warning and continue because I'd want the tones transfered, but I don't like telling others what to do when their information is involved.

Kind regards,