Help! iPod won't boot up!

By Cat, 14 April, 2015

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

Hey all,
I really need some help here. My IPod won’t turn on. It is an IPod five, with latest IOS. Here’s what happened.
Yesterday I set it up so my iTunes put the library on my external drive. Later on, after all that was said and done I transferred some stuff I bought from the IPod to iTunes. Later on around 11 or so P.M, the app I have that tells the time did not go off on my IPod so I hit the lock button to see if I got a response, and nothing happens. So I asked mom to have a look, and we plugged it in using an iPhone charger and waited a bit, then mom held down the power button for a few seconds, to see what happens, but all that comes up is a small line on the screen, then it faded out. As far as I know it still is not working at all. I have not called apple yet, I wanted to see if any of you had any ideas. Could I do a hard reset on the device? Could I do something through iTunes? This upsets me because I can not play dice world, nor can I play trivia crack nor can I play hatchi. All these games and more are on my IPod and I can not put them on my eight gig phone because well, no space. My mother also uses the camera on the device for taking pictures and such, so she is screwed as well. Any help would be great thanks.
All the best,
Mom looked in the charging port on the device, and said there is a little whole there. That may be normal but I can not say for sure.



By treky fan on Saturday, April 11, 2015 - 07:50

From the sound of things, it sounds like a restore might be your best option. Just back up everything to iCloud, before attempting to restore your iTunes. If possible, try to restore from your latest iPod back up, but if that doesn't work, restore the phone, and choose set up as new iPod, or something like that. Hope this helps.

By Piotr Machacz on Saturday, April 11, 2015 - 07:50

If just holding power or connecting the iPod to your PC still makes it not appear in iTunes, you will have to restore through the DFU mode. To do that, after connecting it to your computer you need to power on by holding down both power and home, and after 10 seconds releasing power. Hold home for a few seconds and eventually you should get a message in iTunes that it detected an iPod in recovery mode. Then follow the prompts to reinstall iOS. It could also be that your battery is completely dead and you have a broken cable so it's not charging. If you can, try using a different cable or a different charger (not even an Apple one, any USB charger should work)

By Cat on Saturday, April 11, 2015 - 07:50

Okay this seems to be working good now I have another question, with iTunes, I want to add some albums into it, but it's only seeing one folder on my external, there are more folders than that because I can see it with Windows Explorer, how do I fix this?

By Mister Kayne on Thursday, March 11, 2021 - 07:50

This post is old I know but was just visiting and your post caught my attention. All I see in the comments are suggestions on how to fix your challenge and one comment from you saying that it is now working without any explanation as to how you managed to fix it. Your experience shared would/ might help out some other users who have experienced this challenge and they would get the answer/ solution from your post instead of posting a new threador