Could text entry from a numeric keypad layout be in the pipeline?

By Scottsdale, 1 February, 2011

iOS and iPadOS
Hi folks, Earlier, I was teaching someone to use an iPhone. I don't usually have VO hints turned on, but seeing as he was totally new to iOS I thought they might be helpful. I noticed that when we used the numeric keypad within the phone app, aplicable letters were announced by VO after each number. For example, VO would say "5, JKL" or "7, PQRS". Here's the question: does anyone know why VO speaks these hints? I can't think of a situation in iOS where you are required to enter text in this fashion. Come to that, I can't think of a place in iOS where it is even possible to enter text in this fashion! Does this mean that this method of input via the numeric keypad layout could be coming as a feature, or am I getting all hot and bothered for nothing? Scott



By mehgcap on Wednesday, February 9, 2011 - 22:45

I am not sure about text entry. I have always figured that this is for when you enter a code, such as the iTouch's passcode or a code to unlock an app (like iDatabase). If you do not want to memorize a series of numbers, you just pick a word, then enter it on the keypad like you would when calling a phone number with a word in it. That is, you do not push a key as many times as it takes to get to that letter like actually texting, just press the key with the letter on it. This is just my theory.
Mehgcap's post nudged me in the direction of this as an explanation. We don't do this so much in the UK so it didn't spring to mind instantly, but in the US and perhaps other countries, they often promote telephone numbers using a phrase. For anyone who hasn't come across it, an example would be saying "call 1 800 my apple" instead of "call 1 800 69 27753". I guess that starts to explain it, but if I'm honest I'm still quietly hoping there's more to this. Text entry with this method would be fun, as well as easing the switch to a touch screen for some users I think.