Replying to emails from a different address than the one they were sent from

By Jessica Brown, 12 March, 2015

iOS and iPadOS

Hi there. I have more then one email account set up on my iPhone. Let's say someone sends me an email to address a but I want to reply from address b. How do I do that? Just double tapping on or double tapping on and holding the from field in the stock mail app does not work. So, is there a way to do this in the stock mail app? If there is, how? If there is not, is there a different app that I can get that would let me do this? I am trying to reply to an email using a different address then the one it was originally sent to. This app would have to support gmail and have the ability to have more then one account logged in at the same time. I have 4 different gmail accounts for different things. Thank you.



By Seanoevil on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:39

Without any App specific knowledge, one work around might be to forward the incoming mail to your alternate email account and then Forward the reply from there.
If I was to send an email to one account and then receive a reply from another, I would find some measure of comfort in seeing the Audit trail of Forwarded messages.



By peter on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:39

I do this all the time on my iPhone running iOS 8 (and previous versions).

The process for sending from another account is a bit tricky, but doable. Here are the steps I use:

1. Create or open the mail message you want to send in the standard Apple mail app.
2. Using VoiceOver, single finger tap twice on the "BCC" field"
3. Swipe right until you get to the "From field" showing the default account.
4. Double tap the "From field" showing the default account.
5. Now swipe right several times, going past the "Subject" field, until you come to an item that shows the "From" and default account name again. This will appear as the next item after the "Subject" field as you swipe right.
6. This last item can now be used to select any of your mail accounts that are turned to "on" in your mail settings. Just swipe up until you hear the account from which you want to send.

I don't know why one has to double tap on the "CC/BCC" field before double tapping the "From" field, but that always seems to work for me.

Hope that helps.


By Jessica Brown on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:39

Yes. That worked. Thank you.