Other in ITunes has grone frrom around 2 GB to 16.85 GB

By cw, 28 February, 2015

iOS and iPadOS

Today I was syncing my IPod touch with ITunes on my windows seven machine when this problem came about. Basically I stop the sync after my updated apps copied over to the desktop, and I went off to do something else. Later I went back to sync and found things to be over by a lot when it comes to space. So I looked at the other section on the summary page of the device on ITunes and found things not quite right. The other section seemed to be over by at least 16 GB. How do I correct this problem? Looking at the settings of the device itself, this should not be the case, but the device itself seems to agree with ITunes. According to IOS, None of my apps together or apart come up to the amount of space missing. So all I could even think of is that the music or some other app has that amount of data lying around that the app in question doesn't know about. I would do a full restore, but with my internet speed being what it is at this time, a full restore isn't exactly desirable. My connection is supposed to be around 3 MBPS down, but it is somewhere around dial up speeds and 1 MBPS today. Add to that, it varies from sec to sec. So is there a windows app I could use to dig around on the device itself to see where the problem is? If not for windows, how about the mac? If the mac, it will not require me to set it up with ITunes on the mac will it?



By KE7ZUM on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:41

Hello. to fix this

  1. Back up your phone with iTunes.
  2. Restore from said back up. It will erase your phone and restore everything freeing up space.

I managed this way for me to free up about 4 gigs of other space.

Hope that helps a bit.

By cw on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:41

Doing a complete restore here would take all day at the vary least. This would require a complete download of IOS at speed mostly around 300 k . Sometimes that slows down to 56 k speeds and some times up to 1 m at times, but the ISP here seems crappy of late and if I could have some thing that could reach in and clean out the other data without a complete restore would be helpful. I really don't want to speed all day download a 1 gb file. Maybe the connection will get back up to 3MBPS again in the next day or so.

By david s on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:41


First, your connection sounds terrible. Is it DSL? Unplug your modem and router for about 30 seconds then plugged them back in. Wait about 2 minutes then try again.

Second, you didn’t tell us which apps are taking up a lot of space. Go to usage and see what apps are taking up a lot of space. Then see if those apps have a deleted folder/bin that you can empty. Next check apps that requires you to log in. For example, Facebook when first installed is small. Then the cache builds up. To clear this, log off then have someone else log in or delete and reinstall the app. Just remember to say okay when it ask if you want to delete all the files associated with Facebook.

HTH and good luck.

By KE7ZUM on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:41

No you dot' dl the ios again. All you do is back up, then right click yoru device nd click restore from that back up. it never downloads the ios firmware. It just eraces the phone and restores from the back up.

By cw on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:41

As for my apps, I have around 10.1 gb of apps on the device. Facebook is taking up around 101 mb. The app that is taking up the most amount of space is voice dream reader., and that app is 969 mb. As for my connection, the problem is with the ISP. The bandwith that is being paid for is 3mbps. It is a wireless system, and I am to far out for even DSL. Satalite is really the only other connection out here and that has major bandwith caps. There is also cell service out here, but it cost more than what is being used here. Trust me, the unpluck for that amount of time and plugged back in trick has been tried. Even had the ISP techs out here to look things over for the connection. I did do a restore from backup and that doesn't help. I could do the restore IPod option, but that will go online to grab the OS, because the last update was applied over the air via wireless on the IPod touch it self instead of through the PC. As for my current location, I am planning on changing that as soon as I can.