ooTunes Radio: Record & Alarm


Description of App

INFINITE Tunes, Talk, Sports, and Entertainment Radio! CNET readers ranked ooTunes as #2 app overall! Thanks! ooTunes is arguably the most comprehensive & extensive radio app in the App Store - www.iphoneappreviews.net *New! Browse talk shows in Radio RooLette *New! Universal/iPad version. Buy once, use it on all your devices! *New! Airplay support! Stream audio to your Apple TV! Its strongest asset [is] the large, global database of streaming radio stations - iLounge One of Tech Digest's Top 10 Music Apps of 2009 Experience the pure enjoyment of the music and voices of the world at your fingertips! Clean, crisp sound from over 32,000 Internet audio streams. Enjoy FM/AM live-broadcast from over 150 countries. Search the list at http://ootunes.com/stations FREEDOM OF CHOICE It is yours. Like Reggae? Listen to seven reggae stations in Jamaica. Classical? How about WFMT in Chicago, WGBH in Boston, Minnesota Public Radio, Radio Swiss in Bern or classical stations from Melbourne to Montreal, Strasbourg to Sydney? Choose by genre (150 of them): Blues to Bollywood, Rap to Ragtime, Salsa to SKA, Talk to Techno. Find by country or cities of the world. Eavesdrop all over the world on local discussions, news and talk: even police calls. Left or right, listen to either side blather! Whether local or pro, catch the big game live, wherever you are. TOTAL LISTENING PLEASURE As your favorite songs play, savor full-screen album art* sing along with the lyrics*, bookmark for later, or pop over to watch it on YouTube, right in the app! Search and buy it right from iTunes. Automatic recording lets you hear it again and again! INNOVATIVE RADIO EXPLORATION Radio RooLette: See what's playing on 100's of stations at once. Tap to listen. It's that easy. A great way to skip commercials, find new stations, or sample a variety of music. FEATURE RICH Want to wake up to bedtime music from China? Set an alarm. Fall asleep listening, with a sleep timer. Record what you hear for a trip with no internet access. Find a song you hear on YouTube, all within one app. No other radio app has it all! INFINITE OPTIONS College stations, AM/FM stations, Shoutcast, weather, police, fire, aircraft and emergency radio, Live365, or live professional hockey games. Jam to 1000's of live concerts your parents wouldn't let you attend from the Live Music Archive at archive.org. MULTITASKING MP3 and AAC+ streams allow you to stream while using other apps, or use the app's own web browser to surf while you listen. QUANTITY AND QUALITY Fast searches. Quick connections. Easy navigation using "favorites," "recently played," "most played" or your own "custom categories." • NEW Record what you hear to listen again even with no internet! • NEW Fall asleep listening with a built-in sleep timer! • NEW Set an alarm to wake up to your favorite station • Automatically resume last station on start-up • Automatically reconnect after network loss • See "now playing" artwork, lyrics and similar tracks* • Schedule to record in the middle of the night • Pause and resume live streams • Play many streams in the background • See what's playing right now on 100's of stations • Full VoiceOver support for the visually impaired SUPPORT Email help@ooTunes.com for our amazingly fast and friendly Customer Support. Check our reviews, we've made lasting impressions with phenomenal, personalized customer support. Want a station not listed in our 32,000+ stations? Let us know and we'll add it usually within a few hours. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Virtually every stream: .pls .m3u .asx rtsp mms mmsh rtmp http AAC+ MP3 WMA OGG Vorbis and many flash streams * when available With ooTunes you get infinite Tunes, Talk, Sports, Entertainment!



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

ooTunes is fully accessible with no known outstanding issues. The developer is known to be highly responsive to feedback about accessibility from the blind community.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver, but the interface could be easier to navigate and use.

Developer's Twitter Username



16 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Piotr Machacz 2 years ago



There is a bug that bites once-in-a-while that prevents groups from being added or stations being added to existing groups. the developer knows of the bug. To fix it, just kill the program via the app Switcher and restart the program again.

As far as scrobbling, I don't have an opinion as I've never quite figured out what scrobbling is. Heck; I've never quite figured out how last.fm works.

By Jesus R on Thursday, December 11, 2014 - 07:44

Hi all,
I was thinking of buying OOTunes and went to check it out on the app store. Wow. Found out this app hasn't been updated since iOS 3.0 or so? Is this still app being updated and I just didn't see it, or what's going on. I'm on an iPhone 5, so the scailing might be a bit off, but I'm sure I could still use the app. I just don't want to buy something that hasn't been updated since 2011.
I'd love an answer to this. Thanks.

By Brooke on Thursday, December 11, 2014 - 07:44

It's a great app that I use often because of the amount of stations, but sadly, it hasn't been updated in a really long time.

By Toonhead on Thursday, December 11, 2014 - 07:44

Hi. The actual app itself hasn't been updated in a few years, but the database of stations is, so you can safely buy the app and it'll be 100 percent usable, and it will work. I spoke to Steve, who develops the app through email right after iOS 8 was released, and he has some real catching up to do, as Apple has really moved beyond what he could produce at the time. If there is an update it won't be any time soon but that doesn't necessarily mean that it won't ever be updated again. Steve is very quick to respond though, I remember one time I had requested that a station be added to the database, and not a half an hour later it was added! So he's very responsive. So while it might not be compadible with iOS 8 completely, it does work very well and is worth buying. maybe if people still purchase it, it'll show the developer that people really are still interested and it might motivate him to work on it, who knows.

By Mike Freeman on Thursday, December 11, 2014 - 07:44

Bear in mind that the ooTunes database is used by the Victor reader Stream 2nd Generation. Whether this is an advantage or disadvantage when it comes to encouragement of an iOS app update is debatable. But it does mean that the database and maintenance thereof isn't likely to go away for some time. So ai agree with TuneHead: get the app; it isn't cluttered up with a lot of extra, irrelevant frills; it does just what it is intended to do -- play Internet radio stations/streams.

Updating for the sake of bling or its own sake is no virtue.

By Jesus R on Thursday, December 11, 2014 - 07:44

Great. Thanks all. I'll most likely go ahead and buy the app. If anything, we can show intrest by buying the app.

By alex wallis on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:44

Hi all, wondering is there a way for users to add custom streams to this app?
the bbc has made recent changes to its streaming services to retire the WMA format, so as a result none of the listed streams that this app has for bbc stations that use this format work as a result, for example I can't use this app to listen to bbc radio 4 any more,
there are also some custom streams I would like to add to this app, obviously this apps database is in need of a refresh as regards bbc stations but in the mean time it would be good to know if there is a way I can manually add the new bbc streams to it.
I know the bbc iPlayer app is an option for listening to live stations but station navigation is less than easy because of constantly having to swipe over the screen to scroll your list of stations and after each swipe you have to hunt over the screen to try to see if the station you want is in view so I prefer this app if I want to listen to a live stream as the bbc don't seem two bothered about improving the state of things in the iplayer radio app to make station navigation easier.

By dvdmth on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:44

As far as I know, you cannot add custom streams. However, the developer of the app is very good at updating the database if you let him know what streams are broken or missing. That was my experience when I needed a couple of streams fixed for radio stations in my area, and I have heard similar reports from other users as well.

So, send an email to the developer, giving him as much detail as possible regarding these stations, and the database should be improved quickly.

By Toonhead on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:44

Yep, this is correct. If you let Steve, the developer of the app know about the broken BBC streams he'll correct them, and add any streams you like to the app as well. If you want an app that lets you do custom streams, tune in radio is your best bet. But yeah, Steve's very responsive. I emailed him once when a stream was broken and it was fixed in about half an hour's time.

By alex wallis on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:44

well he is certainly responsive, I got a mail back from him telling me how to clear my caches and the issue appears to be fixed.

By Usman on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:44

How does one do that on the phone?

By alex wallis on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:44

to be honest I wasn't able to follow the developers instructions so I just went and deleted everything I could find including favourites and other data like old recordings and stuff, not recommended if you have things you want to keep. I would recommend emailing the developer to ask, he pointed me to some options called clear cache and clear stream cache but I wasn't able to find them so I just deleted anything that had a delete option and it seemed to work. But if its working for you I wouldn't mess with it. there are delete options for things under settings, advanced and statistics but I don't think that where he was sending me he said there were options in help, but I couldn't even see a help option so I thought rather than mess around I will just delete everything I can find.

By KE7ZUM on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:44

Iv'e given up on OOtunes. it used to be the best, but not tune in is the best as it is uodated for the iphone screens, and features. too bad though it has to cost $10 if ou want to record. I just use the site and audio hijack if I want to record stuff. Lol! also their staff are wonderful. I am planning to get my station added in for a week as I'm live streaming na event I'm going to in June, maybe.

Take care.

By Usman on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:44

I still prefer ooTunes. Tunein's layout leaves a lot to be desired. IMO, it is still pretty cluttered. I never liked the idea of "following" your favorite streams. I wish they would go back to just plain old favorites.

By KE7ZUM on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:44

Actually it can be s goo thing this way you can get notified if and when they go live with a scheduled program. You let the staff know when you are to be life and when you go live at that time you get pushed a notification. Ootunes I can't see ever doing this.

Yeah; the tuneIn people are so reliable that they haven't fixed the alarm for accessibility they broke three years ago. Not my kind of reliability. besides, tuneIn has gone social-networking-nuts!!!!!! Ya just can't point to a station, hit Play and listen.

I still think ooTunes is the greatest even though the add stations to groups feature is broken except for creating a group from a station search.

I suggest that we **politely** urge Steve to keep doing the sterling job he is doing updating broken feeds or adding new ones but that he consider something like contracting with a developer (no pay unless accessibility is maintained, of course) to update the app for him since he says he hasn't got the time and, given the quirks of apps and VoiceOver, I can well believe it.

I can't see why I'd *care* when a stream went live. IMO we (the Apple community) have gone notification-nuts, too. Whatever happened to just listening to a stream, pure and simple?

By alex wallis on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:44

hi, being notified when a stream goes live could be useful for say an internet station that doesn't broadcast all the time, that only has shows at certain times.
In that event I could easily see myself wanting to know when a stream goes live to remind me to listen to my favourite show.
I remember it was all the social networking stuff that put me off tune in in the first place.
OOtunes can't add streams manually but its an app that does what it says on the tin with no constant feeling that your expected to tell the world about the latest and greatest station you have just found.
From the developers quick response yesterday I imagine its fairly simple getting broken stations fixed or requesting local ones should be added.

By KE7ZUM on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:44

Because my stream on my station I once had went live and those following me on tune in knew about it I had a avrage listener count of over 25 blind and sighted listeners on tune in. As for the alarm clock I use the iOs clock and my music library. Also the last time I used OOTunes it did not match up with the interface of the screen, there was about A inch or 2 missing from the edge or margins if you will. He said he would fix that as soon as he learned how to Pixel everything correctly This was over 2 years ago. I have since uninstalled ootunes from my phone and now use its competitor. I'ma social media freak and use it to my advantage for promoting everything I do so why not use a platform that works.

By Usman on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:44

I just wish that Tune in would go back to it's bread and butter which was streaming radio stations, plain and simple. OOtunes for the most part offers me this so I will just stick with what works best. Tune in has taken a dramatic step backwards IMO.

By sockhopsinger on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:44

Unless I'm listening to sporting events, I try and stay away from TuneIn just because it is so socially oriented. I'm not criticizing those who prefer the other, but for me personally, OoTunes is the way to go.

By riyu12345 (not verified) on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:44

I'd like tunein radio, if I had a reason to use the social features, but since ootunes isn't that way, I use it instead.

By Brooke on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:44

I hate the social aspect of TuneIn, so I don't use it as often as I used to. I like OoTunes because it's simple and does what it says. I do wish it would get updated sometime soon, but even if that doesn't happen, it'll continue to be my go-to app for listening to radio stations.

By Amir Soleimani on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:44

In reply to by Brooke


It's really strange that people tend to bash TuneIn Radio for its so-called social aspects. Yes, I don't like them either, but they don't get in the way of listening, browsing or interacting with controls on the screen. In fact, one can continue using it even without having to log in or create an account -- unlike another radio app whose name I don't want to bring up here. So if you don't like the social aspects, ignore them and enjoy what the app brings to the table.
As for OoTunes, I also have it on my 6 Plus but seldom use it. I don't recommend it to others because it's not been updated for ages and rewarding such an app with our money might not send a good signal. It's great that we have functional radio apps on the App Store, but I'm not into recommending age-old applications of that ilk to newcomers who want to get their hands on a radio application.
Sorry for the rant...

By Mike Freeman on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:44

So whether an app works or not is secondary to how often it is updated? forgive me but that doesn't compute.

Moreover, tuneIn is nowhere as easy to use as it was a few years ago when you could pick a stream, click on it and it would play and you hit one button to add it to your your favorites. Now you have to go thru the "station" nonsense and the whole "follower" bit (when was the last time you 'followed' Soussa's Stars and Stripes forEver'?).

but I forgot: people want bling and snazz ego-tripping, not radio-listening! (tongue firmly in cheek)

Agreed. I have since it has not been updated in about 2 years taken ootunes off of my phone. I hope others do the same and state why in the reviews. It's a good piece of software but if it keeps loosing the interface of the device you are on it will get harder and harder to use the app on a 6 or what ever is next in the queue because the interface will be squashed right down to the status line. Believe you me, that's not fun. I have plenty of experience with that.

By KE7ZUM on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:44

Actually all I do is click the station on tune in, and click follow. I don't need to sign in. I only did so I know when my stations and friends who broadcast are on so I am able to follow their shows. This includes CNN, NBC and other local stations here in town.

By Jen on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:44

I have roughly 25 radio apps on my IPhone. I like them all for various reasons, because each one provides something just a little different from others. Even so, Ootunes still tops the list. It seems to have the most radio stations of any app I've tried, recording stations is a breeze, and the nearly-instantaneous correction of broken streams and addition of requested stations is what keeps it the favorite. An update would be nice, and I'd like to see a couple of bugs fixed, but in no way does that detract from the quality of the app. It is money well spent, regardless of how often it is updated, simply because it delivers on its promises.

By Amir Soleimani on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:44

As I don't find the interface of TuneIn Radio difficult to interact with, like its timely notifications, enjoy its Custom URL feature for manual station input and take advantage of its iOS 8 enhancements for larger iPhone 6/6 Plus screens, I've moved many miles away from ooTunes Radio which was last updated on Oct 14, 2011. Since it costs almost $5, I don't feel I'm doing justice to other radio apps by recommending it to other users. However, I'm not the so-called umpire of radio decency on the App Store, so I'll leave it at that.

By alex wallis on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:44

thing is everyone says they want to see an update for ooTunes, but what amazing new features would we want to see in it?
myself I certainly wouldn't want to see anything related to social media,
maybe an option to add new streams might be nice.
We should be in for an update soon anyway, because apple has published new appstore conditions that say 64bit devices must be fully supported buy apps buy the middle of this year.
This means the apps must actually be 64bit ready not just able to run on the devices.
I don't know what happens if apps aren't updated to be 64bit ready but I assume maybe they get removed from the appstore? I don't know.

64-Bit support is just part of the story. ooTunes should support new screen sizes introduced by iPhone 5/5S, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and a couple of new iPads. This is also important though might not affect many of us. ooTunes should support newer/higher screen resolutions for those who don't rely on VoiceOver. Custom URLs and notifications would also be nice. TuneIn Radio provides the length of the current program, the remaining time and access to iTunes to purchase the music file which is being played. Not sure if at least some of these are available in ooTunes as I've not used it for a long time, but these would be nice additions. I also use TuneIn Radio to find interesting podcasts as well as radio stations though my assumption is that ooTunes might not be able to go that route.

By AnonyMouse on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 07:44

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

It's back!!

What's New in Version 4.0.3

On demand recording
Driving mode
Trimming existing recordings
Improved support for iOS 7, 8, 9, and 10
Bug fixes galore!

By Toonhead on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 07:44

The subject line says it all. i'm so glad the app has finally gotten an update it is long, long overdue!

By Usman on Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 07:44

this is by far the most exciting news in a very long time when it comes to apps being updated. It has been my daily driver for years now and I was extremely afraid that it would get completed neglected and forgotten forever by the developer. Nice to know that this isn't the case!

By sockhopsinger on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 07:44

You need to contact the OoTunes developers directly. Also, I would not leave my e-mail address out there if I were you. While this site does require a login to post comments, anyone using a search engine could find it.

By Dennis Long on Saturday, March 11, 2023 - 07:44

I use it almost daily if a station goes down you just contact the developer it gets fixed. It is the best app I purchased.

By sockhopsinger on Saturday, March 11, 2023 - 07:44

I bought this app back in 2009 when I was running it on an iPhone 3GS. Talk about ancient now. Still, while I do not use it every day, it remains a superb radio app. I wish it had Chromecast capabilities, but that is really the only downside I can think of.

By Bingo Little on Saturday, March 11, 2023 - 07:44

An example of my thinking is the BBC here in the UK. My impression was that the BBC had forced listeners to listen through BBC sounds or BBC Sport, particularly if you want to listen to sports commentaries with restricted broadcast rights. Presumably if I wanted to keep up with England v France in the rugby tomorrow, I couldn't use OoTunes for that? I do, incidentally, want to keep up with that game tomorrow, for the avoidance of doubt. On a similar theme, I guess you can't get the football, cricket or boxing broadcast on TalkSport through ooTunes either and are forced to use the TalkSport app? I'm just trying to understand the app's limitations.

One thing I liked a lot about TuneIn was htat, for a while at least, you could stream BBC Parliament. That is a TV channel here in the UK but it's simply a livestream of Parliament. Sure, I can watch BBC Parliament using the BBC iPlayer app, or even watch it on ParliamentLiveTV on the parliamentary website. But neither solution is ideal as it won't keep playing on the lock screen. TuneIn was the only app that provided audio only from those channels. I'd get OoTunes just for that if it were available. Supreme Court Live would be great too - that's another one that stops playing on the lock screen.

Yes yes I know, Bingo spending his time watching Parliament or watching the proceedings of the united Kingdom Supreme court....snorathon or what? All I would say is: try it. They can behave jolly badly in the British House of Commons at times and it's splendid theatre.

By Amir Soleimani on Saturday, March 11, 2023 - 07:44

@Bingo Little, Regarding certain BBC radio channels, such as 5 Live and 4, your best bet would be the Sounds platform - either the app or their website. As you said, the BBC has limited access to certain programs, match reports and commentaries outside the Sounds platforms, and it affects all radio apps like Radio.net, Tune-In, ooTunes, etc. All of these apps use streams which stop broadcasting whenever certain programs start or, in the case of 5 Live, a football (soccer) game gets under way.

By Bingo Little on Saturday, March 11, 2023 - 07:44

I do indeed have access to the BBC Sounds app. I wish i didn't. This is a dark, dark day. Les Bleus meating out a hyding like that at Twicknham is just too much to bear, folks, too much.

By Bingo Little on Saturday, March 11, 2023 - 07:44

I am still in shock. Been a rugby fan for 33 years. If I had the OoTunes app and it had brought me that game I'd probably uninstall it.