Accessible torrent downloaders for Mac?

By Callum Stoneman, 20 August, 2013

macOS and Mac Apps
Does anyone know of any accessible torrent downloaders for Mac? If anyone also knows of an accessible website that can be used with it aswell that would be great, but if there is one that has a search bar in the app so you can search for files without needing website, even better. Thanks :)



By Piotr Machacz on Wednesday, September 11, 2013 - 07:51

Utorrent works quite well. Just pay attention during the install process, as it includes a few toolbars, so you want to make sure you say decline to those.

By Callum Stoneman on Wednesday, September 11, 2013 - 07:51

In reply to by Piotr Machacz

Hi Peter, Thanks I'll give Utorrent a try. Do you know any torrent download sites for the files that don't have viruses? Most of the torrent websites I hear about either mess up your computer or just don't work with VO. Thanks

By AnonyMouse on Wednesday, September 11, 2013 - 07:51

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

In reply to by Callum Stoneman

Hello Callum, Sure, I have some great advice for you. The best way to ensure you are getting the file that is safe and legal. Is to visit the actual developer's site. They will typically offer those files you will need in a torrent link on their website. This will ensure you are getting the official and legal way to get files. Visiting these so-called Torrent search site is not recommended. Plus, this would not be allowed on this site. For reason, that many of those Torrent Search site are generally laden with drive-by malware and such. Plus, as you have found out they are packed with viruses. So for our user's safety. We ask that you visit the developer's site first to see if they don't provide the official and safe way to obtain the legal files you are seeking. HTH

By Maria on Wednesday, September 11, 2013 - 07:51

HI. u torrent is quite accessible. As far as I know you can't search from the search bar, but if you google torrent search engines you should find some. I hope this helps.

By Greg T Kelchner on Friday, October 11, 2013 - 07:51

In reply to by Maria

Or… God for bid… You guys could support the artists and developers that enrich your lives with music and software… And actually obtain music, movies, software, and whatever else you like to steal in a moral and honest fashion. As a musician and artist I feel very strongly about these things. How would you feel if someone stole your check on pay day?

By CuriousNetEntity on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:51

Although people do use torrents for illegal purposes, I think it is unkind to assume that every use of a bit torrent is for the purpose of getting something for free to rip off an artist or author. Torrents are often used to distribute software in a manner that is approved by the creators of the software, because torrents take the load off their file servers. I also have a hard time faulting people who use a torrent site to get something they legally purchased but can't access for some reason. This happens all the time.
I believe it is even legal in some countries to download a song or other media in order to sample it with the intension of purchasing once one knows it is what they were looking for.

By KE7ZUM on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:51

I woudl recommend UTorrent. it's accessible and very easy to use. I torrent every day and don't mind saying so. I then convert all the videos and tv shows to audio so that it saves space.

Take care.

By KE7ZUM on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:51

I woudl recommend UTorrent. it's accessible and very easy to use. I torrent every day and don't mind saying so. I then convert all the videos and tv shows to audio so that it saves space.

Take care.

By Joseph on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:51

I use bit torrent. Works pretty well.