Getting my first iPhone: where should I start and what do I need to know?

By kaveinthran, 16 February, 2015

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

hi friends,

Last week, I ordered a IPhone 6+ 16gb, it will arrive today. As I am completely new to I device and iOS, can someone guide me on how to get started, I know quite little bit the gestures, what I would like to know, is the recomended settengs and other things that might need such as apps, and any other important aspects which I should focus on.




By Usman on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:43

Hi there,
Firstly, I'd like to congratulate you on getting your first iDevice. Its a great feeling and I certainly remember how excited I was when I first got mine many years ago. Here is a link to an Applevis site where you can learn what to do and what apps to download after getting your first iDevice. The link is:

By Roxann Pollard on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:43

A couple of apps I downloaded to my first iPhone have been really helpful to me include:

Weather Radio by WDT: This app cost about $10.00 Us when I bought it. It's very accessible and reliable. I depend on it daily.

BARD Mobile: If you have an online account established with your National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped library then you will want to download this companion app. You can search for and download your favorite authors. right to your iPhone. This is a free app. I do not know if BARD is accessible outside the United States, however.

If you need to sign up for this online service go to:

Congratulations on your first iPhone. I remember getting my first one and I felt like I went from driving a horse and carage to a rocket ship in comparison. AppleVis has a wealth of information should you need help.


By kaveinthran on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:43


actually, I have posted this quite a while ago, my cousin is using an IPhone and he would like to do family sharing with me, but do not know about sharing all his apps to me, according to me, if it works properly, I could use all his apps, for free, though it's paid app,

so, can someone give guidance to me that I can share with him to do a correct way of family sharing? and is it true that I can use all his app for free?

By Matthew C on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:43

Yes you should be able to do that. Are you in the same country? Probably a silly question but have to ask. If not they would have to be available in both app stores. Also if you were to join a family sharing thing with your cousin all purchases, including yours would go on to his credit card or whatever he uses to pay for apps. There can only be one means of payment on record.

By Usman on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:43

for this to work, all party members must be on the same app store so being in the same country. Having the same app in different countries won't suffice.

By Michael Hansen on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:43

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

By Justin on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:43

Congrats on your first iPhone! I remember when I got my first iPhone a few years ago. Boy was I impressed and very happy!
The thing that concerns me is space. Will you have enough for your apps. Remember that you only have like 12 GB available for your own use. If you download a lot of audio apps like bard mobile and a lot of books, then you won't have a lot of space to work with.
Please correct me if I am wrong here! Just a little friendly discussion, but yes congratulations on your iPhone purchase. And like others have said and pointed to, this site provides a heaping pile of info for your first iOS device.
HTH and good luck!

By Toonhead on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:43

I originally wanted a 64 gb iPhone 6 but the cost of it was really beyond what I could afford at the time so I went for the 16 gb model. Yes, you do only get 12 or 13 gb, but I don't usually keep a lot of books around. If I'm done reading a book, I delete it, knowing that I can always get it later. Same goes for apps too. If I'm not using an app, I delete it, knowing full well I can always re-download it later if necessary. It's really not all that bad.

By kaveinthran on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:43

thanks for all the advice, and yes, my cousin and I are from the same country, btw, could someone point me to the right tutorial or describes the right and precise way of doing family sharing, which I could share to him,

By Justin on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:43

Do a search on apples for family sharing. hopefully that should get you to a guide or tutorial for this.
Yeah, toonhead, you're right. I thought about that after i wrote that comment above. It makes loads of sense now that I think on it for a while. And yes i see what ya mean about the 64 gb iPhone 6 being expensive, heck it was pretty spend getting the 64GB iPhone 5S, but I just am space conscious, I guess ya could say! lol.

By Roxann Pollard on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 07:43

If your cousin is the one enabling Family Sharing, you shouldn't have to do much on your end of things. He's the one who has to enable it on his device. This should simplify you getting started with your first iPhone. If, however, you are the one who wants to enable Family Sharing and use your payment details for all purchases between you, then as others have indicated, a computer search should give you what you need to enable it. I haven't conducted an AppleVis specific search to confirm if there is info on the forum but I'd guess there is.

Hopefully this clarifies some things for you.